Desainer muda berbakat Dian Pelangi kebanjiran pembeli ketika membuka stan di pameran Indonesia Fashion Week pada 23-26 Februari 2012. Saking ramainya, paper bag yang menjadi tas jinjing belanjaan dari produknya pun habis.
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Poppy Dharsono Setia Tampil Klasik
Sebagai desainer ternama, Poppy Dharsono bisa bereksperimen dengan aneka model busana. Namun hingga kini, penampilannya tetap dengan cita rasa klasik.
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Ladies, Yuk Menguak Isi Pikiran Pria
Wanita memang tidak pernah mengerti jalan pikiran pria, begitu pula sebaliknya. Akan tetapi, alangkah baiknya jika wanita dapat mengetahui sedikit mengenai rahasia pikiran pria.
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Dress Dian Pelangi Juga Favorit Pengunjung IFW
Ternyata bukan hanya syal yang menjadi rebutan para fashionista, tapi juga aneka dress Dian Pelangi yang menjadi favorit para pengunjung Indonesia Fashion Week.
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Fakta-Fakta Unik Soal Seks (I)
Meskipun menjadi kebutuhan dari setiap orang, fakta di balik seputar seksual banyak yang tak diketahui semua orang. Inilah fakta-fakta unik yang perlu Anda ketahui.
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Fakta-Fakta Unik Soal Seks (II-Habis)
Di balik agenda seksual ternyata tersemat banyak rahasia yang belum terkuak dengan luas. Fakta-fakta mengenai seks banyak yang tidak diketahui individu dengan kafah.
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Pasang Surut Cinta? Ini Solusinya
Skala cinta dalam suatu hubungan memang tidak selalu berjalan seimbang. Sering kali, salah satu pasangan justru merasa lebih mencintai dari pasangannya. Untuk menyeimbangkan perasaan tersebut, ikuti solusi ini.
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5 Cara Menentukan Kemasan Produk

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Agar Ide Bisnis Tidak Dicuri

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Ketika Bisnis Fashion Berangkat dari Fashion Blogging

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Berani Mencoba, Kiat Menjalankan Bisnis

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Berani Mandiri Meski Mengalami Diskriminasi

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Rumah Fashion: Kemitraan Dua Sejoli Muda

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Rahasia Keluarga Harmonis Ina Thomas
Sekalipun sibuk, Ina Thomas tidak melupakan perannya sebagai istri dan ibu dari kedua anaknya. Menjalin komunikasi secara intens pun dilakukannya agar keluarga kian harmonis.
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Ichwan Toha Optimistis IFW Akan Maju
Desainer Ichwan Toha optimistis ajang Indonesia Fashion Week 2012 akan maju untuk selanjutnya. Perhatian pemerintah sekarang terhadap dunia kreatif membuatnya senang.
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Inspirasi Cina dalam Pesona Batik Kudus
Keindahan batik Kudus yang khas dengan kesan klasik dari motif dan warnanya menggelitik desainer muda berbakat, Soko Wiyanto untuk mengolahnya lebih dalam. Untuk membuatnya berbeda, Soko menyuguhkan batik dengan citarasa oriental.
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Dewi Sandra Cinta Produk Lokal
Setiap kali tampil di atas panggung, penampilan Dewi Sandra terlihat menarik. Namun siapa sangka, busananya buatan dalam negeri.
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Transaksi di IFW Mencapai Ratusan Juta
Pameran di ajang Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) 2012 tidak pernah sepi pengunjung. Bahkan, tidak sedikit desainer yang sukses menjual produknya hingga ratusan juga.
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Lima Resep Jitu Gaet Pasangan
Lelah dengan status jomblo yang tak kunjung berakhir? Segera lakukan pembaruan dalam sikap dan keseharian Anda. Gebetan pun segera mendekat.
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Batik Kudus Klasik ala Yogie Pratama
BANYAK desainer muda Indonesia yang mulai menggunakan batik sebagai bahan dasar rancangannya. Yogie Pratama salah satunya yang coba mengulik keindahan batik Kudus.
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Empat Desainer Indonesia Berkelas Internasional Meriahkan IFW (I)
Empat desainer Indonesia yang sempat berkarya di panggung internasional turut memeriahkan perhelatan Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) 2012. Mereka diantaranya Ardistia Dwiasri, Mardiana Ika, Ali Charisma dan Carmanita yang berbagi panggung dalam sebuah fashion show bertajuk International Flair.
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Empat Desainer Indonesia Berkelas Internasional Meriahkan IFW (II)
Banyak desainer muda Indonesia yang sudah berkarir di pentas mode internasional. Meski demikian, mereka tak melupakan negeri sendiri yang menjadi tempat kelahirannya. Justru, dengan karir yang mereka ukir secara internasional hal ini menjadi sebuah kebanggaan tersendiri bagi tanah air.
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Cantiknya Busana Tradisional Korea ala Indonesia
Busana tradisional Korea yang unik dengan kesan terusan mekar dibawah diadaptasi Rudy Chandra dengan nuansa ke-Indonesiaan. Hasilnya, dress trendi tersebut dapat dikenakan dalam keseharian.
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Enam Belas Desainer Bali Unjuk Gigi di IFW
Keikutsertaan desainer asal Pulau Dewata memeriahkan perhelatan Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) 2012. Sebanyak enam belas desainer berbakat unjuk gigi koleksi mereka dengan konsep ready to wear.
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Kekuatan Wanita di Balik Adibusana
Ketangguhan wanita dalam berbagai peran yang dijalaninya coba digambarkan Barli Asmara dalam rancangannya di Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) 2012.
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IFW, Gudangnya Karya Lokal Berkualitas
Ingin memiliki produk lokal yang berkualitas? Saatnya mengunjungi Indonesia Fashion Week yang berlangsung sejak 23-26 Februari 2012 di Jakarta Convention Center.
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Energi Segar dalam Keindahan Busana Muslim
Hamparan busana muslim dengan berbagai cutting tersaji indah dalam panggung Indonesia Fashion Week 2012. Taburan warna-warni dalam padu padan busana kian menambah kesegaran mode busana muslim.
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YSL, Kalem ala Kaum Borjuis
Memunculkan sentuhan kaum borjuis dengan simbol-simbol desain klasik dan modernitas yang tak ada habisnya, label mewah asal Prancis, Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), mengeluarkan koleksi gaun malam musim semi dan musim panasnya dengan tema yang berbeda dari desainer lainnya.
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Hilangkan Kulit Bersisik dengan Lost in Lavender
Ramping, cantik, dan berwarna ungu. Itulah kesan pertama saat melihat bunga lavender. Lavender adalah satu dari 12 minyak esensial dalam aromaterapi yang memberikan efek relaksasi.
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Harmoni Pelangi dalam Busana Urban
Warna-warni pelangi terukir indah dalam deretan busana ready to wear yang bercita rasa urban. Lima desainer muda memersembahkannya dalam perhelatan Indonesia Fashion Week.
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Koleksi Terbaru Label Ternama
Tampil percaya diri dan maksimal dengan berbagai produk dari merek ternama adalah keinginan para shoppaholic. Memasuki perubahan dari musim semi-panas (spring-summer) ke musim dingin (winter), beberapa label mengeluarkan produk, seperti jaket hingga jas.
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Busana Trendi Saat Travel ala Lennor
Kesan ringan dan lincah saat berwisata digambarkan khusus lewat tampilan busana chic dan trendi. Tabrak warna serta potongan busana mini dan simpel menjadi tawaran menarik untuk dicoba.
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Bergaya Edgy dengan Jins
Tampil kasual dengan jins kini tak lagi tanpa batasan. Dalam berbagai acara sekalipun, jins dapat dijadikan sebagai busana pilihan. Lee Cooper memberikan referensi modelnya.
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2025, Indonesia Pusat Mode Dunia
Ajang Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) memosisikan diri sebagai gerbang mode menuju Indonesia sebagai kiblat mode dunia pada tahun 2025 mendatang.
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Rumus Bikin Tali Pernikahan Mulus (II)
Membuat pernikahan mulus memang tidaklah mudah. Diperlukan usaha keras untuk mewujudkan impian tersebut. Inilah cara-cara yang dapat dilakukan.
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Sentuhan Midas Kate Middleton
Duchess of Cambridge atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Kate Middleton kembali menunjukkan sentuhan midasnya di dunia mode.
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Busana Lamaran Anang-Ashanty Didesain Amy Atmanto
Dalam acara lamaran, Amy Atmanto mendapat kepercayaan mendesain busana untuk Anang Hermansyah dan Ashanty. Acara lamaran akan dihelat dua hari lagi.
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Napas Eklektik London
London, dibanding New York, Milan, dan Paris,kerap dianggap sebagai “anak bawang”, identik dengan kota mode yang menghasilkan desainer muda berbakat, bukan sebagai fashion capital sebenarnya.
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Rumus Bikin Tali Pernikahan Mulus (III-Habis)
Bukan hal mudah memertahankan pernikahan dalam jangka waktu lama. Selain dibutuhkan kekuatan cinta, Anda pun perlu melakukan sederet cara yang dapat memertahankan pendar-pendar cinta.
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IFW, Langkah Awal Menuju Mode Dunia
Perhelatan Indonesia Fashion Week yang menggaet ratusan desainer dan peserta pameran di bidang mode menjadi sebuah langkah awal mengglobalkan dunia mode. Harapannya, mode Indonesia kian mencorong di pentas internasional.
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Sukses Berbisnis ala Pengusaha Wanita

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Memesona dengan Gaun Animal Print
Animal print selalu berhasil membuat pemakainya tampak elegan gan glamor, sebuah kesan yang banyak disukai wanita. Tak salah jika Ririn Rinura, desainer langganan artis menjadikan material itu dalam koleksinya.
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Klasik dengan Kemeja Motif Garis
Motif garis-garis untuk busana pria menjadi pilihan Ichwan Toha dalam karya yang dipamerkannya. Selain trendi, motif tersebut dianggap klasik dan aman untuk penampilan di segala suasana.
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Empat Kementerian Dukung IFW 2012
Perhelatan Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) 2012 juga mendapatkan dukungan dari empat kementerian. Ajang ini bertujuan untuk mengangkat brand fesyen Indonesia berkelas dunia.
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Produk Lokal Bersaing dengan Luar Negeri
Siapa bilang merek Indonesia kalah dengan produk luar negeri? Menteri Perdagangan Gita Wirjawan mengakui Indonesia mempunyai keunggulan dan mengharapkan masyarakat Indonesia bangga menggunakan produk lokal.
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Syarat Produk Fesyen Indonesia Bisa Unggul
Untuk menjadikan produk lokal lebih unggul dibandingkan luar negeri ternyata tidak sulit. Wakil Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Sapta Nirwandar menyarankan dengan memperkuat nilai keunikan dari produk Tanah Air.
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Kiat Berdamai dengan Teman Menyebalkan (II-Habis)
Ingin lepas bebas dari teman yang menyebalkan? Jangan berkecil hati dulu karena trik-trik ini dapat membantu Anda terbebas dari jeratan tak mengenakkan tersebut.
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25 Ribu Warga Bandung Lakukan Cuci Baju Massal
Demi mensosialisasikan cuci baju bersih tanpa memakan waktu lama, puluhan ribu warga Bandung ikuti aktifitas cuci baju massal.
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Wanita Penguasa Cenderung Selingkuh?
Tanpa disadari oleh wanita yang memiliki kedudukan lebih tinggi dari pria ternyata rentan terjerat perselingkuhan. Benarkah?
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Teuku Wisnu Cuek Cuci Pakaian Sendiri
Di balik ketampanan wajahnya ternyata Teuku Wisnu sosok yang mandiri dalam keseharian. Terbukti, dirinya pun sempat memiliki pengalaman cuci baju sendiri.
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Pria Dominan Inginkan Wanita Jadi Ibu Rumah Tangga
Di luar keinginan fisik yang didamba pria, ternyata keinginan pria terhadap wanita yakni ketika wanita menjadi seorang ibu rumah tangga yang ideal.
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Tampil Menawan di Hari H dengan Gaun Pengantin Batik
Kecantikan batik ternyata juga indah ketika disulap dalam keindahan gaun pengantin. Ristya Stefanie, gadis kelahiran Surabaya yang menciptakan garis indah tersebut.
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Horoskop 13-20 Februari 2012 (I)
Gerakan badan Anda secara berkala dan berikan kenyamanan bagi tubuh Anda. Berikan partisipasi diri Anda untuk lingkungan dan juga bagi yang membutuhkan jangan pernah ragu dengan langkah dalam menuju kebaikan sehingga semuanya bisa selaras dengan apa yang Anda inginkan.
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Horoskop 13-20 Februari 2012 (II)
Anda cukup kreatif dan ambisius semuanya bisa dilalui dengan semua kendala yang ada. Berikan waktu untuk diri Anda jangan hanya teman yang Anda berikan waktu karena dengan memberikan waktu Anda istirahat serta konsen dengan konsep hidup Anda yang sudah ada susun sehingga semuanya memang bisa berjalan dengan baik.
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Jaga Mental Anak, Angelina Sondakh Perlu Bicara Jujur
Meski pahit, Angelina Sondakh yang terlibat kasus suap Wisma Atlet SEA Games perlu berbicara jujur terhadap buah hatinya perihal masalah hukum yang membelitnya. Hal ini penting dilakukan agar anak tak terjerumus pada hal yang negatif.
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Rahasia Beyonce Ramping Usai Melahirkan
Satu bulan sejak melahirkan Blue Ivy, Beyonce sudah memperlihatkan tubuh rampingnya ke publik. Penasaran apa rahasianya?
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Tatanan Rambut Tepat Saat Valentine
Saya masih bingung memilih tatanan rambut yang tepat untuk merayakan Valentine bersama kekasih. Kira-kira tatanan rambut seperti apa yang cocok?
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Suarakan Fesyen Lokal, IFW Gandeng Artis Jadi Ikon
Keinginan agar dapat mengomunikasikan Indonesia Fashion Week 2012 secara efektif pada masyarakat luas menjadi alasan terpilihnya sosok Dewi Sandra dan Mesty Ariotedjo sebagai ikon IFW 2012.
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Media Sosial Suburkan Perselingkuhan?
Penggunaan media online dan jejaring sosial ternyata banyak membuat perselingkuhan tumbuh subur. Kemudahan teknologi pada akhirnya justru banyak memberi pengaruh negatif bagi kehidupan asmara.
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IQ Pengaruhi Kehidupan Cinta?
Kepintaran otak manusia ternyata berpengaruh pada kehidupan cintanya. Nah, pernahkah anda merasakannya? Survei ini membuktikannya.
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Enam Posisi Bercinta Jamin Wanita Cepat Klimaks
Di atas ranjang, sebagian wanita cenderung sulit terpuaskan. Tapi, beberapa posisi bercinta dapat menjamin mereka meraih klimaks segera.
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Pria 'Cepat Basah', Wanita Lakukan Ini
Tindakan sederhana yang wanita lakukan di atas ranjang ternyata mampu membuat pria ketagihan. Penasaran?
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11 Februari, Audisi Miss Indonesia di Surabaya
Usai menghampiri Medan dan Makassar, audisi Miss Indonesia 2012 bergerak ke Kota Pahlawan. Masih tetap dengan misi yang sama, audisi ini pun fokus mencari wanita Indonesia berbakat dengan kriteria Manner, Impressive, Smart, dan Social (MISS).
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Teman Baru Putus Cinta? Jangan Katakan Ini!
Menjelang Valentine's Day, teman dicampakkan. Ada baiknya Anda memilih kalimat yang lebih bijaksana saat bicara dengannya.
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Tiga Hal Menyebalkan Pasangan Saat di Facebook
Banyak orang kerap kebablasan ketika bermesraan di jejaring sosial seperti Facebook. Selain mengganggu, hal tersebut membuat tak nyaman orang yang melihatnya. Inilah beberapa hal menyebalkan dan sering dilakukan para pasangan yang sedang dimabuk asmara.
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Rayakan Valentine, Pria Perlu Kenakan Busana Ini
Meskipun tidak terlalu mengikuti suasana hari Valentine, pria pun perlu menyesuaikan tampilan menarik di hari spesial tersebut. Penampilan seperti apa yang dapat dicoba?
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Perlukah Pria Cemburu dengan Wanita?
Tanpa disadari, rasa cemburu kerap membakar ketika pasangan Anda sedang bersama pria lain. Namun, perlukah kecemburuan tersebut dilakukan untuk membuktikan seberapa besar sayang Anda padanya?
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Raih Keberuntungan Cinta lewat Feng Shui
Feng shui ternyata tak hanya dipercaya sebagai tolak ukur sumber keberuntungan griya dan karier Anda. Urusan cinta pun turut dipengaruhi feng shui. Inilah bocorannya jika ingin menarik keberuntugan bagi asmara Anda.
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Bersabar Saat si Kecil Marah
Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa perhatian lebih dari orangtua khususnya ibu pada si kecil ketika tengah marah atau kesal, berdampak positif bagi perkembangan otak sang buah hati.
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Ladies, Big No Katakan Ini ke Pria
Hati-hati mengungkapkan kalimat sederhana ke pria. Bisa-bisa kalimat yang Anda ucapkan berdampak “racun” bagi jalinan cinta, tanpa Anda sadari.
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Kylie Bisutti Undur Diri dari Victoria's Secret
Victoria's Secret Angel, Kylie Bisutti memutuskan untuk mengundurkan diri demi alasan religius.
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Cara Jupe-Gaston Berbagi Romantisme
Sama halnya dengan Julia Perez yang mengaku romantis, Gaston Castano, sang kekasih pun diakuinya tak kalah romantis. Tak heran, berbagi romantisme pun menjadi keseharian yang menemani jalinan cinta mereka selama ini.
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400 Stan Siap Ramaikan Indonesia Fashion Week 2012
Persiapan menuju Indonesia Fashion Week (IFW) 2012 yang dihelat akhir Februari ini bakal diselenggarakan secara akbar. Tak tanggung-tanggung, 400 stan akan turut meramaikan ajang fesyen bergengsi tersebut.
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6 Alasan Pelanggan Tak Berminat Diskon

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Untung Berlipat Hanya Bermodal Rp 500.000

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Bisnis Kemasan Unik, Modalnya Cuma Rp 50.000

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Mengapa Harus Berbisnis di Bulan Puasa?

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Computer diagnostics
The diagnosis that is associated with computers can help identify any problem or failure that computers show when they are having problems. Diagnosis is used to test the computer system, which includes both the BIOS and memory, software, and even the hardware connected to your computer.
The most common types of problems will occur when the computer is down to very low resources, which may be a low amount of RAM, or a little disk space. These conditions are very common and often result in your computer very slow. This can be easily fixed, all you have to do is to defragment your hard disk and get rid of some programs and files that you no longer use or need.
Almost all types of computer diagnostic software can locate and fix any problem you are having. Usually begins with an examination of BIOS and go from there. PC Diagnostics
software can determine a lot of BIOS, common settings for those that have a major impact on startup and performance.
No matter what you do, you should never modify or tamper with the BIOS settings, because it can lead to serious problems. If you want to modify or tamper with your BIOS, you should always create a backup for the first time, just in case something goes wrong. The BIOS settings can be very complicated, although they are responsible for much of anything to do with your computer. If you've never been in the BIOS before, you really shouldn't be modifying anything inside of it.
Depending on the program that you are using, there will be several different resources available. Now, two of the most popular are the Norton Systemworks and PC doctor. Both programs offer full Diagnostics software, good for fixation of any computer program related software that you can imagine.
Once you run the program, you will be able to select the diagnostic test that you want to run. Some offer you a full system scan, which will scan whole computer and then display any problems you may have. After viewing all the problems, the software typically gives you the option to go ahead and fix it. While the problem is nothing serious, the diagnostic software can usually fix it.
The more complicated problems, such as hardware failures or hard disk failures, are an entirely different story. They will require a technician who is very experienced, you can rebuild the hardware. Diagnostic Software may report hardware problems, although in most cases it is not able to fix it.
There is another computer diagnostic software that you perform after you start your computer or restart, which will check everything from the BIOS. These types are great, although the types as Norton and PC doctor are by far superior. They offer a lot more features including Defrag, cache cleaner, and the option to delete temporary Internet files. These features are great to have, especially if you're not the type of coach.
More reasons than a computer diagnostic software is the ideal way to find and prevent problems with your computer. Norton Systemworks offers ghost as well, which is the perfect way to back up your data. You can back up certain files, or just go ahead and back up your entire hard disk. SystemWorks and Ghost are very easy to use, even if you are completely new to computers. For everything that they offer you-computer diagnostic programs are the ideal way to avoid problems before they happen.
The most common types of problems will occur when the computer is down to very low resources, which may be a low amount of RAM, or a little disk space. These conditions are very common and often result in your computer very slow. This can be easily fixed, all you have to do is to defragment your hard disk and get rid of some programs and files that you no longer use or need.
Almost all types of computer diagnostic software can locate and fix any problem you are having. Usually begins with an examination of BIOS and go from there. PC Diagnostics
software can determine a lot of BIOS, common settings for those that have a major impact on startup and performance.
No matter what you do, you should never modify or tamper with the BIOS settings, because it can lead to serious problems. If you want to modify or tamper with your BIOS, you should always create a backup for the first time, just in case something goes wrong. The BIOS settings can be very complicated, although they are responsible for much of anything to do with your computer. If you've never been in the BIOS before, you really shouldn't be modifying anything inside of it.
Depending on the program that you are using, there will be several different resources available. Now, two of the most popular are the Norton Systemworks and PC doctor. Both programs offer full Diagnostics software, good for fixation of any computer program related software that you can imagine.
Once you run the program, you will be able to select the diagnostic test that you want to run. Some offer you a full system scan, which will scan whole computer and then display any problems you may have. After viewing all the problems, the software typically gives you the option to go ahead and fix it. While the problem is nothing serious, the diagnostic software can usually fix it.
The more complicated problems, such as hardware failures or hard disk failures, are an entirely different story. They will require a technician who is very experienced, you can rebuild the hardware. Diagnostic Software may report hardware problems, although in most cases it is not able to fix it.
There is another computer diagnostic software that you perform after you start your computer or restart, which will check everything from the BIOS. These types are great, although the types as Norton and PC doctor are by far superior. They offer a lot more features including Defrag, cache cleaner, and the option to delete temporary Internet files. These features are great to have, especially if you're not the type of coach.
More reasons than a computer diagnostic software is the ideal way to find and prevent problems with your computer. Norton Systemworks offers ghost as well, which is the perfect way to back up your data. You can back up certain files, or just go ahead and back up your entire hard disk. SystemWorks and Ghost are very easy to use, even if you are completely new to computers. For everything that they offer you-computer diagnostic programs are the ideal way to avoid problems before they happen.
Backing up data correctly
Computer data can be very important to us, especially those of us who live on your computer. Over the past few years, the computer has grown in all of us, making our life much easier. That is why it is easy to say that if we lose our computer data, it would completely destroy the majority of us.
Data loss can be an overwhelming thought to say the least. Computers store data, although machines have been known to fail. Even if the computer became much more reliable over the years, it is practically impossible to prevent the loss of computer data.
You don't need to take this lying down, you really can fight back. The ideal way to ensure that you never lose your precious data, you must back it up and keep it up. You should back up your computer data at least once a week, once a day, and is the recommended way to do it.
In the past, and even some today, the floppy disk is the primary method used to backup the data on your computer. Even if they store a small amount of data, are easy to access, easy to use, and almost every computer has one.
Those of you who are looking to take things to the next level should look to back up your entire hard disk. Back up your entire hard disk is something everyone should do, as, indeed, is one of the best and most reliable ways to back up your computer.
When you create a backup of your entire hard disk, it will copy all of your information, so if something happens you will always have your data. Perform a full backup of your hard drive is great, although it can be very time consuming. To make matters worse, it is recommended that you create a backup at least once a week. On the other hand, if what you have on your computer is very important, you'll find it more than worth the effort and the time required to backup things.
Another way that you can back up data, programs and files, you write them directly to a data CD or DVD. This way, you can select which files or folders you want to keep. If you use the CD/RW or DVD/RW discs, you can continue to add information to them when you create a backup. If you do not use RW media (rewritable) then you won't be able to go back and add more information on the disk.
Burning data directly to disks are backup method that most people are using these days, despite making up the entire hard drive is the best way to back up your data. If you plan to use disks, you will need a CD or DVD burner, you can get a great price today. The disks are cheap as well, which only makes this method of doing things better.
Whether it is for your business or for personal reasons, you can't go wrong backing up data. You should always strive to make things up correctly, as this will ensure that the data will always be there when you need it. This way, if your computer happens to fail or lose everything on your hard drive, you'll always have the backup files to return to. This alone can save a lot of time, effort and money quite possibly even-just for the simple fact that the files are all but a backup to restore.
Data loss can be an overwhelming thought to say the least. Computers store data, although machines have been known to fail. Even if the computer became much more reliable over the years, it is practically impossible to prevent the loss of computer data.
You don't need to take this lying down, you really can fight back. The ideal way to ensure that you never lose your precious data, you must back it up and keep it up. You should back up your computer data at least once a week, once a day, and is the recommended way to do it.
In the past, and even some today, the floppy disk is the primary method used to backup the data on your computer. Even if they store a small amount of data, are easy to access, easy to use, and almost every computer has one.
Those of you who are looking to take things to the next level should look to back up your entire hard disk. Back up your entire hard disk is something everyone should do, as, indeed, is one of the best and most reliable ways to back up your computer.
When you create a backup of your entire hard disk, it will copy all of your information, so if something happens you will always have your data. Perform a full backup of your hard drive is great, although it can be very time consuming. To make matters worse, it is recommended that you create a backup at least once a week. On the other hand, if what you have on your computer is very important, you'll find it more than worth the effort and the time required to backup things.
Another way that you can back up data, programs and files, you write them directly to a data CD or DVD. This way, you can select which files or folders you want to keep. If you use the CD/RW or DVD/RW discs, you can continue to add information to them when you create a backup. If you do not use RW media (rewritable) then you won't be able to go back and add more information on the disk.
Burning data directly to disks are backup method that most people are using these days, despite making up the entire hard drive is the best way to back up your data. If you plan to use disks, you will need a CD or DVD burner, you can get a great price today. The disks are cheap as well, which only makes this method of doing things better.
Whether it is for your business or for personal reasons, you can't go wrong backing up data. You should always strive to make things up correctly, as this will ensure that the data will always be there when you need it. This way, if your computer happens to fail or lose everything on your hard drive, you'll always have the backup files to return to. This alone can save a lot of time, effort and money quite possibly even-just for the simple fact that the files are all but a backup to restore.
Backing up data on your Laptop
If you look at past statistics regarding the information that has been lost in relation to laptop computers, you would find yourself amazed. Even if this information may be surprising, many of us still do not have the time to back up your information on our laptops.
To put it in simple terms, nothing in the computer industry is a fool proof. Hard drives can fail, the laptop can get stolen, or even can be discarded and useless. To ensure that you are never left without our precious data, we should always create a backup of our information.
There is no mistaken the fact that more than one million laptops stolen over the years in the United States alone. Where a laptop is stolen, chances are he won't be recovered. If the information was not made up, then the owner will be left with no laptop-but more importantly-no data or backup.
As you can with desktop computers, you can also create a backup of the data on your laptop as well. You can use online services, remotely backup or use several other methods to ensure that you keep all your data. Preserve your data is something that you really should look into, especially if you have business material on his laptop.
The best way to go about backing up your data and files is to burn them to a data CD. Data CDs can hold up to 700 megabytes (MB) of data, which means a lot of files. To do things this way, all you need is a CD/RW burner on your laptop, that most of the newer ones come with.
The only drawback to laptops is the fact that they don't offer near as much storage or security measures as a desktop PC. Desktop computers have much more power, and they may also do things (including backups) at a fraction of the time.
The laptop was designed to use go, that is the main reason why people don't really think about backing up their data. When finally the thoughts come to mind, it's usually too late to do anything about it.
As mentioned above, the easiest and quickest way to back up your laptop data is to use an online backup service. Depending on your Internet connection, it may take from several minutes to several hours. Although it might take a little more time, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that your data is there if something should happen.
Whether it is for your business or personal use, you can't go wrong backing up data. You should always create a backup of your data at least once a month, even more so than if you have a lot of important information that you add to your laptop on a frequent basis.
To put it in simple terms, nothing in the computer industry is a fool proof. Hard drives can fail, the laptop can get stolen, or even can be discarded and useless. To ensure that you are never left without our precious data, we should always create a backup of our information.
There is no mistaken the fact that more than one million laptops stolen over the years in the United States alone. Where a laptop is stolen, chances are he won't be recovered. If the information was not made up, then the owner will be left with no laptop-but more importantly-no data or backup.
As you can with desktop computers, you can also create a backup of the data on your laptop as well. You can use online services, remotely backup or use several other methods to ensure that you keep all your data. Preserve your data is something that you really should look into, especially if you have business material on his laptop.
The best way to go about backing up your data and files is to burn them to a data CD. Data CDs can hold up to 700 megabytes (MB) of data, which means a lot of files. To do things this way, all you need is a CD/RW burner on your laptop, that most of the newer ones come with.
The only drawback to laptops is the fact that they don't offer near as much storage or security measures as a desktop PC. Desktop computers have much more power, and they may also do things (including backups) at a fraction of the time.
The laptop was designed to use go, that is the main reason why people don't really think about backing up their data. When finally the thoughts come to mind, it's usually too late to do anything about it.
As mentioned above, the easiest and quickest way to back up your laptop data is to use an online backup service. Depending on your Internet connection, it may take from several minutes to several hours. Although it might take a little more time, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that your data is there if something should happen.
Whether it is for your business or personal use, you can't go wrong backing up data. You should always create a backup of your data at least once a month, even more so than if you have a lot of important information that you add to your laptop on a frequent basis.
Backup with a CD Rom
With the technical age upon us, computers are now more important than ever in the past. Much is done on the computer today, from paying bills to make a living. Therefore, the data that you have on your computer are very important.
Between the data found on your computer, you may have precious pictures and memories that you wouldn't dream of losing. No matter how sophisticated computers get, they will still fail or encounter other problems that can result in data loss. For this reason, a backup of your data is very important.
Although there are several ways you can go about backing up data, a CD-ROM is by far the easiest and fast becoming more popular too. Like other backup methods, the CD-ROM has its flaws, despite having more professionals to offer than cons.
One of the best information about CD-ROM backups are the fact that your disc will be stored on CDs. The standard data disc CD-R can hold up to 700 MB of data, which is a lot of files. You can store pictures, documents, software, programs, and just about anything you can think of a CD-including entire folders that are full of files and data.
If you use a CD-RW media, which are also known as rewritable discs, you can continue to add data until the disk is full. You can also re-write over existing data on these discs as well, which make them ideal for those who constantly update documents that they need to hold onto.
If you are using the standard data discs CD-R, you will not be able to add more data to them. Once you've added information to your disk, that's it. This is a great choice if you want to keep the data as is and I know without a shadow of a doubt that'll be done whenever you need it.
With the prices of CDs and CD burners being so cheap nowadays, anyone can buy them. They don't cost nearly as much as they did years ago, why they are so popular when it comes to backing up your data. If you have a newer computer, chances are that a CD recorder was included with it. If you have an older computer, you can buy a CD burner and discs for a little of nothing.
The best thing about data backup with CDs is the fact that they are more reliable than floppy disks, easier to access an online backup, and they you will last a lifetime. If you have important data that needs to be backed up, you can be sure that a CD-ROM is an excellent way to back up your information.
Between the data found on your computer, you may have precious pictures and memories that you wouldn't dream of losing. No matter how sophisticated computers get, they will still fail or encounter other problems that can result in data loss. For this reason, a backup of your data is very important.
Although there are several ways you can go about backing up data, a CD-ROM is by far the easiest and fast becoming more popular too. Like other backup methods, the CD-ROM has its flaws, despite having more professionals to offer than cons.
One of the best information about CD-ROM backups are the fact that your disc will be stored on CDs. The standard data disc CD-R can hold up to 700 MB of data, which is a lot of files. You can store pictures, documents, software, programs, and just about anything you can think of a CD-including entire folders that are full of files and data.
If you use a CD-RW media, which are also known as rewritable discs, you can continue to add data until the disk is full. You can also re-write over existing data on these discs as well, which make them ideal for those who constantly update documents that they need to hold onto.
If you are using the standard data discs CD-R, you will not be able to add more data to them. Once you've added information to your disk, that's it. This is a great choice if you want to keep the data as is and I know without a shadow of a doubt that'll be done whenever you need it.
With the prices of CDs and CD burners being so cheap nowadays, anyone can buy them. They don't cost nearly as much as they did years ago, why they are so popular when it comes to backing up your data. If you have a newer computer, chances are that a CD recorder was included with it. If you have an older computer, you can buy a CD burner and discs for a little of nothing.
The best thing about data backup with CDs is the fact that they are more reliable than floppy disks, easier to access an online backup, and they you will last a lifetime. If you have important data that needs to be backed up, you can be sure that a CD-ROM is an excellent way to back up your information.
All about data recovery
At some point, who owns a computer will experience the trials and tribulations of hard drive failure. The reasons behind it vary and can include everything from a human error to damages resulting from flooding or water. Viruses may play a role as well, along with many other factors. For many years, the need to recover the data lost or destroyed made data recovery such a very valuable.
Almost all hard drives can be recovered. Normally, if the drive is making a ticking noise or scratching, you may use certain software programs to retrieve the data. Sometimes, due to age or bad parts, the aperture arm on your hard drive can fail or platters can become damaged and lose the data they contain. If you cannot retrieve the information with the software, you will need to send the hard drive off and have it rebuilt or have technicians recover your data.
Data recovery is always an option, of hard drives that are larger than 2 GB in size more than 300 GB or more data. No matter what size hard drive you have, generally, data can be retrieved. Keep in mind that if you had a computer crash, you will need to send the hard drive to have the data recovered by technicians.
One of the key benefits of data recovery is the fact that information can also be retrieved from the Recycle Bin as well. Partition recovery and information even if it has been lost somewhere on disk can be recovered as well. Although it may seem like your data is gone forever-the experts who specialize in data recovery can retrieve it.
From Windows to Mac, everything can be recovered. There are different formats, including NTFS and FAT32 and filing structures. These are common Windows filing structures and contain all information to your hard disk.
Those of you who have multiple hard disks on your computer, you can be sure that the RAID configurations can also be recovered. If a single hard drive in RAID configuration fails, the RAID configuration will absorb the blow and there will be no data loss. On the other hand, if the entire RAID configuration fails, it will crash big time. Whenever that happens, you will need to send it off and have technicians restore RAID hardware and software.
Whenever your hard drive crash or malfunction occurs, data recovery is there to help you get back your files. Are personally files or very important files that are needed for business – you can put your trust in data recovery and know that you'll get everything back the way it was.
Almost all hard drives can be recovered. Normally, if the drive is making a ticking noise or scratching, you may use certain software programs to retrieve the data. Sometimes, due to age or bad parts, the aperture arm on your hard drive can fail or platters can become damaged and lose the data they contain. If you cannot retrieve the information with the software, you will need to send the hard drive off and have it rebuilt or have technicians recover your data.
Data recovery is always an option, of hard drives that are larger than 2 GB in size more than 300 GB or more data. No matter what size hard drive you have, generally, data can be retrieved. Keep in mind that if you had a computer crash, you will need to send the hard drive to have the data recovered by technicians.
One of the key benefits of data recovery is the fact that information can also be retrieved from the Recycle Bin as well. Partition recovery and information even if it has been lost somewhere on disk can be recovered as well. Although it may seem like your data is gone forever-the experts who specialize in data recovery can retrieve it.
From Windows to Mac, everything can be recovered. There are different formats, including NTFS and FAT32 and filing structures. These are common Windows filing structures and contain all information to your hard disk.
Those of you who have multiple hard disks on your computer, you can be sure that the RAID configurations can also be recovered. If a single hard drive in RAID configuration fails, the RAID configuration will absorb the blow and there will be no data loss. On the other hand, if the entire RAID configuration fails, it will crash big time. Whenever that happens, you will need to send it off and have technicians restore RAID hardware and software.
Whenever your hard drive crash or malfunction occurs, data recovery is there to help you get back your files. Are personally files or very important files that are needed for business – you can put your trust in data recovery and know that you'll get everything back the way it was.
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