by: Tessie Jantoc
Why are some web sites successful, while others are not? Your web site will either break the bank...making hundreds, thousands or it will leave you broke with empty promises. You ask yourself, "how can I capture my visitors' attention, so they can immediately buy from me?" Think about have at least between 10-30 seconds to grab their attention as they are reading through your web site. Your home business site is a reflection of YOU! Since they cannot see you face-to-face, be honest and truthful....and they'll come to visit your site again and again until you make a sale.
These are basic steps of making your home business site a complete WINNER.
1. Make sure your web site is easy to open. No one wants a site that is too slow to open. Your visitors will soon become too impatience and then decide to forget about your site, which leaves you with no possible sale. It makes sense by not having too many animation in your web site and also, you must get a good hosting company too.
2. The design of your web site is extremely important because it has to be comfortable to look at. The color of your site needs to be pleasing to the eye....making it easier to read. Never use bright colors as it will turn your visitors away. Remember, our eyes may get sensitive when staring at the computer for many hours.
3. Be certain that your web site is targeting a specific market. For instance, if you are selling apparel clothing then you need to provide valuable informations about apparel clothing. Let them know about the latest fashion trends, hot styles or perhaps what celebrities are wearing. Also, create a grabbing, effective title for your web site because your title will heighten their curiousity. They'll want to learn more about what you have to offer, so be consistent and to the point.
4. Remember, your web site should contain as many keywords density because this will help your site in search engines. If your business is about having a home based business or Internet marketing, then emphasize your business by using as much keywords. You need to realize that 90% of web surfers are searching in the search engines by typing their specific keywords. So, remember to put your keywords in your title page and description in your web site.
5. Visitors definitely want easy navigation to your web site. This allows them to find whatever information about your product and will surely help them narrow down their choices. So, make sure your web site provides easy access when they are searching or looking through your web site.
6. Having your own domain name for your business lets visitors know that you are the owner of your home business. This adds professionalism to your web site. This gives visitors more reasons to do business with you. It's like having your own private label name on designer clothes.
7. Visitors like to read about testimonials of other people who has purchased your product. This will give more value and truth to your product. Remember, people are searching a solution to solve their problem. Let them know your business is not a get-rich scheme.
8. Make sure your web site provide easy payment online. If you don't, then get a merchant account that allows you to accept credit cards (i.e. Paypal Premier acct.). If your customers don't have a credit card, then give them an option to send a check or money order to your business mailing address.
9. Credibility on your web site is absolutely a must! Remember, your web site has to be very professional, otherwise they will not trust you at all. Customers are looking for an honest, home business they can trust for many years to come. They are spending their hard earned dollors in your product and YOU. So, always be sure to have your contact name, address, phone number and an email if your customers have any question about your product.
Because you've decided to have a home business, these simple steps will help your web site be on a WINNER'S list. It takes time, patience and persistence in your part to build a successful home business. It's almost like nurturing it...and seeing your business blossom to its full potential. You will see the improvement of your web site due to increase sales and incoming traffic. Besides, you will be following your dreams to success and living the lifestyle you deserve.
Copyright (c) 2006 Tessie Jantoc
About The Author
Tessie Jantoc previously worked for a major airline company. She knows the value of having an efficient and honest business. Her integrity is also applied in home business and Internet marketing. She is currently studying for her bachelor degree in Fashion Design. For more information on how to start a successful home business, go to:
Home Based Business Internet Style
by: Chad Hershey
The subconscious mind is a very powerful thing. If you have a negative or lazy attitude about you, then you will have no choice but to be negative or lazy. If you mope around and complain then you will achieve nothing. If, on the other hand, you are upbeat and cheerful, then you will generally have a good day and achieve quite a lot. If you dress successfully, people will treat you better than if you dress like a bum. Sad fact I know, but it’s the truth in today’s society.
I found years ago that in a home business you need to put just as much effort into your appearance and your attitude, if not more, as you did when working in secular employment. I’ve had to learn to improve my telephone manner, my enthusiasm on the phone and, by looking at myself in a mirror while speaking, I realized why I couldn't sell anything. I needed a check up from the head up!
With a home based business, if you dress business casual, comb your hair, brush your teeth and smile you will then start to feel like a professional. It’s this feeling that will come across on the phone and the more confidence you have the faster your business will grow.
Working from home should be exciting, after all how many people can say that their daily commute consists of going from their bedroom to across the hall to their home office? Working from home on the Internet should be something you do with pride. I have always been consistent in my actions and conscientiously believe and expect the rewards for my efforts to be granted to me.
You should try and answer emails within 24 hours, minimum. The maximum time frame you would want to wait to respond is 48 hours. To accomplish this you will want to set aside time each day just to respond to emails. Some say three times a day, morning, mid afternoon, and evening is best as it ensures everyone gets a timely response.
There is immense satisfaction in seeing people answer your ads, having people respond to your flyers, having prospects ask about your products & opportunity and respond in a positive way. Having people buy your products and assisting them in starting a home business should give you a great sense that you are helping someone improve their lot in life.
Make sure you are courteous and professional. There are some times you just don’t feel like answering a question that has the answer plainly on your website or in a sales letter, or some question you feel is irrelevant or foolish. The urge to send a fiery response may be there. If you do not feel you can politely and professionally answer, take a break. Come back after you took some time to cool down. Remember, the customer who asked the question may be basing their decision to get involved with you on your answer, so you want to be as thorough and polite as possible when answering. Do not push away a customer or potential customer with a hasty emotional response.
In a home based business your chief aims are to sell your products and teach others to duplicate your success. Out of this can come strong bonds of friendship, as your team develops and your network grows. There is immense satisfaction in running a successful Home Based Business.
About The Author
Chad William Hershey of is founder of his own home based business, The Pinnacle Group.
The subconscious mind is a very powerful thing. If you have a negative or lazy attitude about you, then you will have no choice but to be negative or lazy. If you mope around and complain then you will achieve nothing. If, on the other hand, you are upbeat and cheerful, then you will generally have a good day and achieve quite a lot. If you dress successfully, people will treat you better than if you dress like a bum. Sad fact I know, but it’s the truth in today’s society.
I found years ago that in a home business you need to put just as much effort into your appearance and your attitude, if not more, as you did when working in secular employment. I’ve had to learn to improve my telephone manner, my enthusiasm on the phone and, by looking at myself in a mirror while speaking, I realized why I couldn't sell anything. I needed a check up from the head up!
With a home based business, if you dress business casual, comb your hair, brush your teeth and smile you will then start to feel like a professional. It’s this feeling that will come across on the phone and the more confidence you have the faster your business will grow.
Working from home should be exciting, after all how many people can say that their daily commute consists of going from their bedroom to across the hall to their home office? Working from home on the Internet should be something you do with pride. I have always been consistent in my actions and conscientiously believe and expect the rewards for my efforts to be granted to me.
You should try and answer emails within 24 hours, minimum. The maximum time frame you would want to wait to respond is 48 hours. To accomplish this you will want to set aside time each day just to respond to emails. Some say three times a day, morning, mid afternoon, and evening is best as it ensures everyone gets a timely response.
There is immense satisfaction in seeing people answer your ads, having people respond to your flyers, having prospects ask about your products & opportunity and respond in a positive way. Having people buy your products and assisting them in starting a home business should give you a great sense that you are helping someone improve their lot in life.
Make sure you are courteous and professional. There are some times you just don’t feel like answering a question that has the answer plainly on your website or in a sales letter, or some question you feel is irrelevant or foolish. The urge to send a fiery response may be there. If you do not feel you can politely and professionally answer, take a break. Come back after you took some time to cool down. Remember, the customer who asked the question may be basing their decision to get involved with you on your answer, so you want to be as thorough and polite as possible when answering. Do not push away a customer or potential customer with a hasty emotional response.
In a home based business your chief aims are to sell your products and teach others to duplicate your success. Out of this can come strong bonds of friendship, as your team develops and your network grows. There is immense satisfaction in running a successful Home Based Business.
About The Author
Chad William Hershey of is founder of his own home based business, The Pinnacle Group.
How To Make Money Working Online
By Aubrey Richardson Richardson
Most people who have a computer would like to learn how to make money working online. The challenge usually is knowing where or how to get started. Most everyone anticipates earning “big” money quickly only to experience little to no earned income. This usually leaves a person feeling frustrated and either ready to quit or more determined to get better results. If you maintain the burning desire to make money working online, you will need to keep your focus.
Writing to you from experience, I can tell you first and foremost - find a mentor! Find someone you KNOW who has obtained the results you would like to have for yourself. By this I mean you want to learn the truth about anyone who has claimed or is claiming, to make money working online. Don’t fall for “smoke & mirror” type results that express or show a high or outlandish return on their effort. Use your own sensory acuity and listen to your inner voice. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably isn’t true at all. A great number of success stories are embellished specifically to get your interest and more pointedly, to get YOUR MONEY!
I’ve read a great number of ebooks, “how to” manuals and numerous other resources to help in determining the “right” or best tools for the venture. I’ve gleaned tons of incredible information from countless writers and their publications. One biggie that sticks out by devouring many different authors points of view is this, if you find yourself reading the same type of information from various individuals, you can bet it’s factual. The key is how to pick the best one(s) to learn from without spending a small fortune before seeing a return on your investment.
Best way to learn how to make money working on line is to not only read it but view it as well. My learning curve increased drastically by watching online videos of “how to” examples. Most people learn by watching others do something and then “copy” it or imitate their process. By doing so, you should find yourself getting the same results as your teacher or mentor. After all, if you want to make more money working online, you should be duplicating someone else’s success patterns for yourself. Not to be a “copy-cat” or “me-too” product but more along the lines of catapulting (or slingshot) you forward to success faster!
The key for me to make money working online has been doing something proactive on a weekly basis. If you can take some form of action each day, then you will progress much faster. Obviously the more time you devote to make money online then chances are, you’ll see results much quicker. I suggest “weekly” because most individuals that want to free themselves by having an Internet based business have other jobs too. It’s important to understand you can have success without being “married” to your computer every single day. Work smarter not harder or longer!
As an estimate, plan to commit at least 10 – 15 hours per week for at least 1 full year, as a suggested minimum! Everyone experiences different types of results throughout their first year but stick with it. Learn from others mistakes and benefit from their success tips!!
About the author:b
Aubrey Richardson is the founder of - logos & clipart site. Find out how you can tap into earning money online
Most people who have a computer would like to learn how to make money working online. The challenge usually is knowing where or how to get started. Most everyone anticipates earning “big” money quickly only to experience little to no earned income. This usually leaves a person feeling frustrated and either ready to quit or more determined to get better results. If you maintain the burning desire to make money working online, you will need to keep your focus.
Writing to you from experience, I can tell you first and foremost - find a mentor! Find someone you KNOW who has obtained the results you would like to have for yourself. By this I mean you want to learn the truth about anyone who has claimed or is claiming, to make money working online. Don’t fall for “smoke & mirror” type results that express or show a high or outlandish return on their effort. Use your own sensory acuity and listen to your inner voice. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably isn’t true at all. A great number of success stories are embellished specifically to get your interest and more pointedly, to get YOUR MONEY!
I’ve read a great number of ebooks, “how to” manuals and numerous other resources to help in determining the “right” or best tools for the venture. I’ve gleaned tons of incredible information from countless writers and their publications. One biggie that sticks out by devouring many different authors points of view is this, if you find yourself reading the same type of information from various individuals, you can bet it’s factual. The key is how to pick the best one(s) to learn from without spending a small fortune before seeing a return on your investment.
Best way to learn how to make money working on line is to not only read it but view it as well. My learning curve increased drastically by watching online videos of “how to” examples. Most people learn by watching others do something and then “copy” it or imitate their process. By doing so, you should find yourself getting the same results as your teacher or mentor. After all, if you want to make more money working online, you should be duplicating someone else’s success patterns for yourself. Not to be a “copy-cat” or “me-too” product but more along the lines of catapulting (or slingshot) you forward to success faster!
The key for me to make money working online has been doing something proactive on a weekly basis. If you can take some form of action each day, then you will progress much faster. Obviously the more time you devote to make money online then chances are, you’ll see results much quicker. I suggest “weekly” because most individuals that want to free themselves by having an Internet based business have other jobs too. It’s important to understand you can have success without being “married” to your computer every single day. Work smarter not harder or longer!
As an estimate, plan to commit at least 10 – 15 hours per week for at least 1 full year, as a suggested minimum! Everyone experiences different types of results throughout their first year but stick with it. Learn from others mistakes and benefit from their success tips!!
About the author:b
Aubrey Richardson is the founder of - logos & clipart site. Find out how you can tap into earning money online
Are You Afraid To Start a Home Base Biz?
By Eddie Watkins Watkins
Are you afraid to start a home base biz? Some skepticism and fear is healthy, but if it renders you comatose. Then this is not a good thing at all.
We as humans, are creatures of habit. We like to stick close to our comfort zones. We don't go out of our way, to take chances. We don't take chances, because we don't know what the outcome will bring. We live our lives sort of in a rut. Doing the same things over and over, day in and day out. I have heard the only difference between a rut, and a grave, is the depth.
Do you know that guy, that is always wishing to win the lottery. But never goes out and buys a ticket? Or what about the guy, that's been on the same job for 5 years. And complains everyday about not making enough money. This is the same guy that is going to quit, the very next time, the boss makes a comments about his bad job performance.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
Do you go to a 9 to 5 everyday, thinking and saying to yourself. I know there's got to be a better way? If I only had a way out, I would quit this job today. I just don't know what else to do.
I think part of the problem is that, we were raised with the idea. That to have a good life we needed only to have a good job, with benefits, get a home, and raise a family.We we programmed, that working for someone else was sufficient enough, to live a good life.
That may have been true in the industrial age. But we are now in the information age.
In this day and time, it is not your bosses job to make you wealthy. His job is to get you a paycheck. If your paycheck is not enough, then it is your responsibility, . to make yourself wealthy or Financially Free.
Let's associate starting a Home Base Biz, with learning to ride a bike. When you first learned how to ride a bike. Did you just jump on the bike, and start riding it like you were a professional? No someone had to help you onto the bike, and had to hold you as you wobbled down the street. You fell off a couple of times, but your desire to ride that darn thing, out weighed all your fears. So you continued with your goal of riding that bike. One day, riding that same bike, that you thought was so terrifying, and almost impossible, became second natured. You got on the bike without even thinking about it, and just rode off into the sunset. The main thing is, you had a desire, then you acted upon it.
The only thing that beats a failure is a try.
If you have dreams and aspirations of starting a home base biz, act upon them. The hardest thing is to get started. Once you get started, my experience has been that things start falling into place.
Our fears, I believe is just holding on to our old bad habits, mixed in with our ego's.
Do you know someone that can always give you all the reasons why, a certain project won't work. But has never tried to do anything with his or her life? Don't be that person.
Don't be the person who says, I wish, I coulda, woulda shoulda, by then it will be to late.
Remember the word fear stand for: False Evidences that Are not Real.
About the author
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Are you afraid to start a home base biz? Some skepticism and fear is healthy, but if it renders you comatose. Then this is not a good thing at all.
We as humans, are creatures of habit. We like to stick close to our comfort zones. We don't go out of our way, to take chances. We don't take chances, because we don't know what the outcome will bring. We live our lives sort of in a rut. Doing the same things over and over, day in and day out. I have heard the only difference between a rut, and a grave, is the depth.
Do you know that guy, that is always wishing to win the lottery. But never goes out and buys a ticket? Or what about the guy, that's been on the same job for 5 years. And complains everyday about not making enough money. This is the same guy that is going to quit, the very next time, the boss makes a comments about his bad job performance.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
Do you go to a 9 to 5 everyday, thinking and saying to yourself. I know there's got to be a better way? If I only had a way out, I would quit this job today. I just don't know what else to do.
I think part of the problem is that, we were raised with the idea. That to have a good life we needed only to have a good job, with benefits, get a home, and raise a family.We we programmed, that working for someone else was sufficient enough, to live a good life.
That may have been true in the industrial age. But we are now in the information age.
In this day and time, it is not your bosses job to make you wealthy. His job is to get you a paycheck. If your paycheck is not enough, then it is your responsibility, . to make yourself wealthy or Financially Free.
Let's associate starting a Home Base Biz, with learning to ride a bike. When you first learned how to ride a bike. Did you just jump on the bike, and start riding it like you were a professional? No someone had to help you onto the bike, and had to hold you as you wobbled down the street. You fell off a couple of times, but your desire to ride that darn thing, out weighed all your fears. So you continued with your goal of riding that bike. One day, riding that same bike, that you thought was so terrifying, and almost impossible, became second natured. You got on the bike without even thinking about it, and just rode off into the sunset. The main thing is, you had a desire, then you acted upon it.
The only thing that beats a failure is a try.
If you have dreams and aspirations of starting a home base biz, act upon them. The hardest thing is to get started. Once you get started, my experience has been that things start falling into place.
Our fears, I believe is just holding on to our old bad habits, mixed in with our ego's.
Do you know someone that can always give you all the reasons why, a certain project won't work. But has never tried to do anything with his or her life? Don't be that person.
Don't be the person who says, I wish, I coulda, woulda shoulda, by then it will be to late.
Remember the word fear stand for: False Evidences that Are not Real.
About the author
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Are You Searching For Home Based Success?
By Aubrey Richardson Richardson
Everyone is searching for home business success! Home based businesses are popping up every day and numerous others will start a home business within the next year. Experiencing home business success is important to anyone who desires to work at home. For those of us who already have a home business we are continually looking to grow and connect with others who are like-minded.
Work at home “Dads” are becoming as popular as work at home “Moms”. Maybe even more so, as large companies continue to “cut-back” and downsize their operations. Home based businesses are becoming the norm. Most households already have two “bread winners” in the family and have turned towards starting a home business part-time.
If you are looking to improve your bottom line and have pondered the thought of beginning your own home business, now is the time. Taking the right steps to home business success will get you off to a fast start. The key for continued home business success is to plug into a PROVEN system that you can follow to the top! If you are looking for an opportunity to work from home and don’t have a great deal of money to start a home business, you can search most any search engine for home based success stories and get free information on the subject.
True home business success requires effort, just as any other type of venture you may pursue. Moreover, your home business success may be directly tied to how much “thought” and “action” you give to it. You’ll rise to the top much faster by finding other individuals who have already experienced home business success and willing to show you how they did it.
Find a mentor (someone who has already been there – done that – and got the T-shirt) and implement their home business success formula. After all, they most likely will be able to show you where the “pot holes” lie and how to avoid them! Success Coaches are the key to most any rapid success, especially when working in a large industry. Sometimes you’ll come across too many “different” ideas or approaches to a given outcome. A Success Coach will help keep you on track and keep you away from all the “noise” they may distract you.
Take it from me … run from the ones who make you promises in order to get you “in” to their work at home program! Most of these guys only succeed in “recruiting” and not actually building a true, long lasting, residual type of income we all desire from working a home based opportunity.
So what are you to look for in a home based business? Well … we all have our opinions and below you will find a few of my own:
- Solid Leadership - You’ve heard it before, “Leadership is everything, and everything rises and falls on leadership”. Without quality leaders (proven in the field) you are placing your trust and work effort in uncharted waters! Find out “who” is behind the wheel and what their game plan is (should they have one).
- Financial Stability - Too many times we’ve experienced or heard of a once thriving company, having to close their doors (usually due to poor leadership) due to lack of funds. Let’s face it; finances are the key to any company’s success and or failure. Without money to keep the lights on and pay the necessary overhead, it’s only a matter of time until “lights out”!
- A Vision – It’s the old saying … “without a vision, you perish”! Therefore, if there isn’t a “plan” (a foreseen outcome or objective), then failure is most likely what’s around the corner.
Of course all three of these issues go together and are entwined or fused together. Sort of like one is no good without the other and without one, neither of the other two really exist. But then again, that’s just an opinion!
Ultimately selecting the best home based business for you, requires you to know what you want and know your outcome. If you simply just “jump in” as some would have you do, you may find yourself drowning in the process! You are much better off to research and select a home based business that offers you PROVEN SYSTEMS for your success. Once you’ve found the right one for you … work the system!
About the author
Aubrey Richardson is the founder of - logos & clipart site. Find out how you can tap into earning money online
Everyone is searching for home business success! Home based businesses are popping up every day and numerous others will start a home business within the next year. Experiencing home business success is important to anyone who desires to work at home. For those of us who already have a home business we are continually looking to grow and connect with others who are like-minded.
Work at home “Dads” are becoming as popular as work at home “Moms”. Maybe even more so, as large companies continue to “cut-back” and downsize their operations. Home based businesses are becoming the norm. Most households already have two “bread winners” in the family and have turned towards starting a home business part-time.
If you are looking to improve your bottom line and have pondered the thought of beginning your own home business, now is the time. Taking the right steps to home business success will get you off to a fast start. The key for continued home business success is to plug into a PROVEN system that you can follow to the top! If you are looking for an opportunity to work from home and don’t have a great deal of money to start a home business, you can search most any search engine for home based success stories and get free information on the subject.
True home business success requires effort, just as any other type of venture you may pursue. Moreover, your home business success may be directly tied to how much “thought” and “action” you give to it. You’ll rise to the top much faster by finding other individuals who have already experienced home business success and willing to show you how they did it.
Find a mentor (someone who has already been there – done that – and got the T-shirt) and implement their home business success formula. After all, they most likely will be able to show you where the “pot holes” lie and how to avoid them! Success Coaches are the key to most any rapid success, especially when working in a large industry. Sometimes you’ll come across too many “different” ideas or approaches to a given outcome. A Success Coach will help keep you on track and keep you away from all the “noise” they may distract you.
Take it from me … run from the ones who make you promises in order to get you “in” to their work at home program! Most of these guys only succeed in “recruiting” and not actually building a true, long lasting, residual type of income we all desire from working a home based opportunity.
So what are you to look for in a home based business? Well … we all have our opinions and below you will find a few of my own:
- Solid Leadership - You’ve heard it before, “Leadership is everything, and everything rises and falls on leadership”. Without quality leaders (proven in the field) you are placing your trust and work effort in uncharted waters! Find out “who” is behind the wheel and what their game plan is (should they have one).
- Financial Stability - Too many times we’ve experienced or heard of a once thriving company, having to close their doors (usually due to poor leadership) due to lack of funds. Let’s face it; finances are the key to any company’s success and or failure. Without money to keep the lights on and pay the necessary overhead, it’s only a matter of time until “lights out”!
- A Vision – It’s the old saying … “without a vision, you perish”! Therefore, if there isn’t a “plan” (a foreseen outcome or objective), then failure is most likely what’s around the corner.
Of course all three of these issues go together and are entwined or fused together. Sort of like one is no good without the other and without one, neither of the other two really exist. But then again, that’s just an opinion!
Ultimately selecting the best home based business for you, requires you to know what you want and know your outcome. If you simply just “jump in” as some would have you do, you may find yourself drowning in the process! You are much better off to research and select a home based business that offers you PROVEN SYSTEMS for your success. Once you’ve found the right one for you … work the system!
About the author
Aubrey Richardson is the founder of - logos & clipart site. Find out how you can tap into earning money online
Capturing Lost Sales Opportunities - 3 Ways to Bring Visitors Back to Your Site
by: Justin Palmer
Imagine walking into a busy, high traffic grocery store. Despite the large number of customers in the store, you notice something strange. Strewn about the aisles and checkout lanes are dozens of shopping carts. These shopping carts are full of products, yet they’ve been abandoned by the customer. For many businesses, this example illustrates perfectly the predicament many online retailers find themselves in. A customer visits their site, adds a few products to their cart, and then leaves for some unexplainable reason. There is nothing more frustrating for a business than to miss a sale opportunity. Is it possible to somehow bring these customers back to the website and save the sale? The following article will suggest 3 easy and creative ways for capturing lost sales.
1) Create a Discount Pop-Up Window: One creative way to decrease your abandonment rate is to launch a popup window anytime a customer exits your website while the shopping cart is still full. The popup window can say something like, "Complete your order now, and receive an additional 10% discount." Hopefully, the customer will re-consider their action and stay to finish their purchase.
2) Add a "email me when in-stock" feature: This feature is a no-brainer for sites that frequently sell out of their inventory. However, it's amazing how few websites actually do it. Here's how it works: Anytime a customer visits a product detail page that displays an "out of stock" notice, give them the option to be emailed if the item becomes available again. This serves two purposes.
First, it gives you an opportunity to capture their email address (opt in, of course). And second, it gives you the opportunity to save the sale if you re-stock the item. Now wait a minute, you think, most websites don't allow people to visit pages of items that are out of stock. That's true, but keep in mind that search engines will keep these pages indexed for some time. In addition, people frequently bookmark pages of products they would like to purchase in the future. This feature is even more useful if you sell a product that comes in multiple sizes or colors. For example, if you sell widgets that are available in both green and blue, and the green widgets are out of stock, your customer's can be emailed when that color is re-stocked. Just like that, another lost sale is captured! For an example of a site that does this, checkout C28 Christian Gifts.
3) Email Customers Who Abandon Their Shopping Carts: Another smart tactic to bring back lost sales is to checkup on those people who never complete the checkout process. If you have already captured the customers’ email address, you can easily send them a friendly message informing them that you’re currently trying to improve your checkout process, and you apologize if they found anything confusing. In addition, you might want to give them a coupon code as an additional incentive for bringing them back. In my experience, customers greatly appreciate these emails, and it helps to identify some otherwise unknown problems in the checkout process.
Although the above ideas will likely succeed in bringing back lost sales, they are only a Band-Aid and do not solve the real problem. The important question to answer is, "Why are people leaving your site in the first place?" Do you have enough product in-stock? Are your pictures and product descriptions sufficient?
Is your shopping cart and checkout process efficient and easy? Questions such as these must be addressed before you can expect to see a decrease in abandoned shopping carts. Until then, the above suggestions can serve to bring back as many sales as possible.
About The Author
Justin Palmer is the website administrator and marketing director for C28 and Not of This World Christian Clothing. (
Imagine walking into a busy, high traffic grocery store. Despite the large number of customers in the store, you notice something strange. Strewn about the aisles and checkout lanes are dozens of shopping carts. These shopping carts are full of products, yet they’ve been abandoned by the customer. For many businesses, this example illustrates perfectly the predicament many online retailers find themselves in. A customer visits their site, adds a few products to their cart, and then leaves for some unexplainable reason. There is nothing more frustrating for a business than to miss a sale opportunity. Is it possible to somehow bring these customers back to the website and save the sale? The following article will suggest 3 easy and creative ways for capturing lost sales.
1) Create a Discount Pop-Up Window: One creative way to decrease your abandonment rate is to launch a popup window anytime a customer exits your website while the shopping cart is still full. The popup window can say something like, "Complete your order now, and receive an additional 10% discount." Hopefully, the customer will re-consider their action and stay to finish their purchase.
2) Add a "email me when in-stock" feature: This feature is a no-brainer for sites that frequently sell out of their inventory. However, it's amazing how few websites actually do it. Here's how it works: Anytime a customer visits a product detail page that displays an "out of stock" notice, give them the option to be emailed if the item becomes available again. This serves two purposes.
First, it gives you an opportunity to capture their email address (opt in, of course). And second, it gives you the opportunity to save the sale if you re-stock the item. Now wait a minute, you think, most websites don't allow people to visit pages of items that are out of stock. That's true, but keep in mind that search engines will keep these pages indexed for some time. In addition, people frequently bookmark pages of products they would like to purchase in the future. This feature is even more useful if you sell a product that comes in multiple sizes or colors. For example, if you sell widgets that are available in both green and blue, and the green widgets are out of stock, your customer's can be emailed when that color is re-stocked. Just like that, another lost sale is captured! For an example of a site that does this, checkout C28 Christian Gifts.
3) Email Customers Who Abandon Their Shopping Carts: Another smart tactic to bring back lost sales is to checkup on those people who never complete the checkout process. If you have already captured the customers’ email address, you can easily send them a friendly message informing them that you’re currently trying to improve your checkout process, and you apologize if they found anything confusing. In addition, you might want to give them a coupon code as an additional incentive for bringing them back. In my experience, customers greatly appreciate these emails, and it helps to identify some otherwise unknown problems in the checkout process.
Although the above ideas will likely succeed in bringing back lost sales, they are only a Band-Aid and do not solve the real problem. The important question to answer is, "Why are people leaving your site in the first place?" Do you have enough product in-stock? Are your pictures and product descriptions sufficient?
Is your shopping cart and checkout process efficient and easy? Questions such as these must be addressed before you can expect to see a decrease in abandoned shopping carts. Until then, the above suggestions can serve to bring back as many sales as possible.
About The Author
Justin Palmer is the website administrator and marketing director for C28 and Not of This World Christian Clothing. (
5 Steps to a Client Attractive Website
by: Danielle Chonody
In the past three years I have spent a lot of time working on the web presence of my pet sitting business. I realized that more and more of my clients were searching for their pet sitter on the internet and that my web site is the first impression that they get of me and the professionalism of my business. I love it when customers tell me they selected me as their sitter because they thought I had the best website!
Here are some tips to give your website a competitive edge:
1. Give it a personal touch
Your website should reflect your unique personality. Write as you would speak conversationally and include photos of yourself and your family if they are also involved in the business. Make sure you are smiling, look welcoming and friendly! My clients often comment that they like that they can see who I am (they know I’m a real person) and some also say they chose me because they could tell that my business is a family affair!
2. Maintain a consistent image
Make the look and feel of your website consistent with the look of your business cards, stationary and your advertising. This can be done by using the same colors, fonts, and your business’s logo. This consistency builds the image of your business and makes you more recognizable to customers.
3. Give visitors information
Let your customers know what it will be like to do business with you. People love information and it is easy to provide this via a website. Give them details of your policies, the benefits of your service, pricing structures and incentive programs. Supply downloadable copies of any application forms or other paperwork that you need completed.
4. Showcase customer testimonials
Ask your past and present customers to provide testimonials about your product or service. I recommend that you set up a regimented process to collect these such as a post job survey, so that you have a consistent supply of fresh testimonials. To encourage more effective testimonials ask customers to describe how your service or product solved a problem that they had and what life was like before they found you and how it changed for the better after using your business. Showcase these testimonials on a page of your website. To make testimonials more credible show the customers full name and their website or email address after their quote.
5. Help make the lives of your customers easier
Provide links to other complementary but non-competitive local businesses. For example customers often ask me to recommend local groomers, dog trainers, and veterinarians. This month I will be adding a list of these local businesses on my site so that customers have easy access to them and have a reason to come back to visit my site next time they are looking for a pet service provider. Make sure you have used these businesses yourself or know of others who have so that you can ensure your customers will receive quality service. Ask these businesses if they will reciprocate by placing a link to your site on their web site.
Just a few ideas for you from my lessons learnt. I hope you can put them to good use and create a site that your customers rave about!
About The Author
Danielle Chonody is a successful home business owner and entrepreneur. Her FREE business-building ezine provides marketing, management and motivational tips for small business owners and business opportunity seekers. Sign up for your copy at and receive her FREE special report "25 Low Cost Marketing Ideas to Explode your Business".
In the past three years I have spent a lot of time working on the web presence of my pet sitting business. I realized that more and more of my clients were searching for their pet sitter on the internet and that my web site is the first impression that they get of me and the professionalism of my business. I love it when customers tell me they selected me as their sitter because they thought I had the best website!
Here are some tips to give your website a competitive edge:
1. Give it a personal touch
Your website should reflect your unique personality. Write as you would speak conversationally and include photos of yourself and your family if they are also involved in the business. Make sure you are smiling, look welcoming and friendly! My clients often comment that they like that they can see who I am (they know I’m a real person) and some also say they chose me because they could tell that my business is a family affair!
2. Maintain a consistent image
Make the look and feel of your website consistent with the look of your business cards, stationary and your advertising. This can be done by using the same colors, fonts, and your business’s logo. This consistency builds the image of your business and makes you more recognizable to customers.
3. Give visitors information
Let your customers know what it will be like to do business with you. People love information and it is easy to provide this via a website. Give them details of your policies, the benefits of your service, pricing structures and incentive programs. Supply downloadable copies of any application forms or other paperwork that you need completed.
4. Showcase customer testimonials
Ask your past and present customers to provide testimonials about your product or service. I recommend that you set up a regimented process to collect these such as a post job survey, so that you have a consistent supply of fresh testimonials. To encourage more effective testimonials ask customers to describe how your service or product solved a problem that they had and what life was like before they found you and how it changed for the better after using your business. Showcase these testimonials on a page of your website. To make testimonials more credible show the customers full name and their website or email address after their quote.
5. Help make the lives of your customers easier
Provide links to other complementary but non-competitive local businesses. For example customers often ask me to recommend local groomers, dog trainers, and veterinarians. This month I will be adding a list of these local businesses on my site so that customers have easy access to them and have a reason to come back to visit my site next time they are looking for a pet service provider. Make sure you have used these businesses yourself or know of others who have so that you can ensure your customers will receive quality service. Ask these businesses if they will reciprocate by placing a link to your site on their web site.
Just a few ideas for you from my lessons learnt. I hope you can put them to good use and create a site that your customers rave about!
About The Author
Danielle Chonody is a successful home business owner and entrepreneur. Her FREE business-building ezine provides marketing, management and motivational tips for small business owners and business opportunity seekers. Sign up for your copy at and receive her FREE special report "25 Low Cost Marketing Ideas to Explode your Business".
How To Make Your Niche Website Popular
by: Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian
So you want to make your website the most preferred destination in your niche, drive a flood of targeted traffic to it, and dominate the field. Yes, you can do it.
The one-word answer: "Marketing"
There are far too many methods to go into detail, but here are a few that I have used with great impact - and most are free, or involve a small cost.
* Posting on Discussion forums
Search for popular discussion forums on your niche. Register for an account. Watch the discussions for a while to get a feel for how they go. Pitch in and answer a few questions, or post some of your own. Mention your website in your signature.
* Writing articles and submitting them to directories
This is a great method to drive targeted traffic to your niche website. Many niches have specialized article directories which accept submissions from writers. Make sure the article has a link back to your website.
* Running ezine ad exchanges
If you publish an email newsletter, exchange endorsements and ads with other e-publishers in your niche. Both of you get added subscribers, and your readers will appreciate hearing about another source of useful information.
* Publishing your own blog with RSS feeds
A blog is one of the best ways to get more visibility for your niche website. If you publish a good quality blog, and update it regularly, very soon you will dominate your niche.
* Publishing your own ezine and building a list
If you haven't already started building your own in-house mailing list, start right away. The best prospect to visit your site again and buy something from you is a visitor who has already been there - and is interested enough to join your list.
* Doing link exchanges with other targeted websites
The Internet is powered by links. And by working on building as many links as you can with other related, relevant, high-quality niche websites, you will dramatically increase your website's reach and appeal.
* Making comments on other blogs
While this method of driving website traffic has been open to abuse, there is nothing wrong with doing it in an honest, ethical way. Look for blogs that are on your niche. If you see a topic which interests you, post a comment or response on that blog - and include a link back to your niche website.
* Doing joint ventures with other marketers and webmasters
Done the right way, this can explode your website's success literally overnight. Work on cultivating relationships and friendships with other powerful 'players' in your niche - and they will be glad to help a friend out!
* Press releases
Another powerful way to get wide exposure is by sending out a press release about anything news-worthy on your niche website.
All of these methods won't cost you money, though you'll spend time on them.
If you have a marketing budget, you might also consider doing these:
* Pay Per Click advertising, especially on Google Adwords, MSN AdCenter and Overture
* Buying paid links on high traffic sites with high PR
* Running ezine advertising campaigns
* Banner advertising (pay per click model may be best)
And one of the best, low cost ways is to run an affiliate program and spend effort recruiting hard working affiliates who will promote your site for you in return for a share of your profits.
Hopefully all of these tactics will give you some ideas to get your niche marketing started and grow traffic to your website. Keep doing it in a sustained, systematic fashion and soon your site will attract a huge crowd of visitors and be wildly profitable.
About The Author
Get Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian's free report, "How To Make Profitable Niche Adsense Sites" and get started with niche marketing today!
So you want to make your website the most preferred destination in your niche, drive a flood of targeted traffic to it, and dominate the field. Yes, you can do it.
The one-word answer: "Marketing"
There are far too many methods to go into detail, but here are a few that I have used with great impact - and most are free, or involve a small cost.
* Posting on Discussion forums
Search for popular discussion forums on your niche. Register for an account. Watch the discussions for a while to get a feel for how they go. Pitch in and answer a few questions, or post some of your own. Mention your website in your signature.
* Writing articles and submitting them to directories
This is a great method to drive targeted traffic to your niche website. Many niches have specialized article directories which accept submissions from writers. Make sure the article has a link back to your website.
* Running ezine ad exchanges
If you publish an email newsletter, exchange endorsements and ads with other e-publishers in your niche. Both of you get added subscribers, and your readers will appreciate hearing about another source of useful information.
* Publishing your own blog with RSS feeds
A blog is one of the best ways to get more visibility for your niche website. If you publish a good quality blog, and update it regularly, very soon you will dominate your niche.
* Publishing your own ezine and building a list
If you haven't already started building your own in-house mailing list, start right away. The best prospect to visit your site again and buy something from you is a visitor who has already been there - and is interested enough to join your list.
* Doing link exchanges with other targeted websites
The Internet is powered by links. And by working on building as many links as you can with other related, relevant, high-quality niche websites, you will dramatically increase your website's reach and appeal.
* Making comments on other blogs
While this method of driving website traffic has been open to abuse, there is nothing wrong with doing it in an honest, ethical way. Look for blogs that are on your niche. If you see a topic which interests you, post a comment or response on that blog - and include a link back to your niche website.
* Doing joint ventures with other marketers and webmasters
Done the right way, this can explode your website's success literally overnight. Work on cultivating relationships and friendships with other powerful 'players' in your niche - and they will be glad to help a friend out!
* Press releases
Another powerful way to get wide exposure is by sending out a press release about anything news-worthy on your niche website.
All of these methods won't cost you money, though you'll spend time on them.
If you have a marketing budget, you might also consider doing these:
* Pay Per Click advertising, especially on Google Adwords, MSN AdCenter and Overture
* Buying paid links on high traffic sites with high PR
* Running ezine advertising campaigns
* Banner advertising (pay per click model may be best)
And one of the best, low cost ways is to run an affiliate program and spend effort recruiting hard working affiliates who will promote your site for you in return for a share of your profits.
Hopefully all of these tactics will give you some ideas to get your niche marketing started and grow traffic to your website. Keep doing it in a sustained, systematic fashion and soon your site will attract a huge crowd of visitors and be wildly profitable.
About The Author
Get Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian's free report, "How To Make Profitable Niche Adsense Sites" and get started with niche marketing today!
Add a Site Map to Your Blog and Get Indexed at Google Immediately
by Waheed Elqalatawy
If you want to add a site map and get indexed in google immediately, here is the procedure which is the result of tens of times of trial and error, after bouncing between the conventional wisdom of the savvy webmasters in Blogger classic and the unaware assessment of the results by the newbies. The confirmation is down the article.
Adding a site map to my blog was never thought to be written about by me. I was -and still- writing about health a simplified scientific article or a humble personal opinion, yet trying to verify my blog and add a site map to it was impossible for me at classic Blogger. I then upgraded to Blogger-beta where verification was much more easier, that was after I had understood that Blogger will never allow uploading any files to its server.
When coming to 'add a site map' step, I found it to be extremely exhaustive hard experiment. It is something out of the scope of my knowledge and interests, because I know nothing about html, and when I tried to add a site map I thought it is a WYSIWYG like posting my blogs, then when I tried the least modifications to cope with what I am asked to do, the PC surprised me with "the opening and closing tags","the incorrect format'....etc.
I was chained to the computer for hours repeatedly on a trial and error basis, beginning with copy and paste and ending with matching the format with other blogs like "Blogger Tips and Tricks" and "Hakuna Matata" after I read ' html Tags Definitions' in Blogger help. I got frustrated many times and I began thinking to quit the whole thing, because why should I write what nobody will read it.
Finally, the unexpected happened , and I added a site map to my blog!
I feel pity and passion for the same folks who are like what I was, and this dictated me to write describing precisely how any one can add the site map to his blog easily and what mistakes to avoid, besides, I may find some of them interested in what I write in my blog. Who knows?
Shall we go ?
1- Go to my blog at: 2- Click "View" and select "Source", there will be a text document, click"file" and select "save".
3- Go to 'My Account' in google (since you have a blog) and click the 'Webmaster Tools' button.
4- Under ' Add Site' , type in: http://your blog (.DO NOT TYPE IN : WWW.)
5- You will be asked to verify your site. choose "add tag", copy it in the text document to make sure it is the same before pasting it in your "edit html" page in the head segment.
6- Modify the text document by typing in your blog name and your blog ID ( you may find it in the address bar if you typed your URL in the address bar.
7- Copy and paste the modified document in the head segment in the html page of your blog.
8- Go to " Webmaster Tools" again and check verify.
9- After verification, click on " Add a Site map", and type in :
http://your blog
( Neglect any thing written under the window, this is the only format that will get your site map added, and again (DO NOT TYPE IN: WWW.)
It will be Pending for few minutes to few hours, and if you have implemented every thing right, your site map will be added. You are done. Congrats.
This is what your site map status looks like when added to your blog:
Sitemap Type Submitted LastDownloaded SitemapStatus URLs submitted rss.xml Atom Feed Web Nov 6,2006 Nov16,2006 OK 26 ( Downloading the site map by Googlebot is frequent, don' t worry about time period).
TIPS: 1- Do not look at the examples given by the 'Webmaster Tools' page.
2- If you are stuck, add another site and never delete one before your site map is added.
3- If for any reason, your site map is not added, keep matching what you do with this schedule and do not try any thing else to keep away from a bitter taste experiment.
About the Author
Waheed Elqalatawy writes simple scientific articles on health topics for any one who wants to expand his reading horizons about health. Publish articles, but please do not change them and do not forget to include my URL:
If you want to add a site map and get indexed in google immediately, here is the procedure which is the result of tens of times of trial and error, after bouncing between the conventional wisdom of the savvy webmasters in Blogger classic and the unaware assessment of the results by the newbies. The confirmation is down the article.
Adding a site map to my blog was never thought to be written about by me. I was -and still- writing about health a simplified scientific article or a humble personal opinion, yet trying to verify my blog and add a site map to it was impossible for me at classic Blogger. I then upgraded to Blogger-beta where verification was much more easier, that was after I had understood that Blogger will never allow uploading any files to its server.
When coming to 'add a site map' step, I found it to be extremely exhaustive hard experiment. It is something out of the scope of my knowledge and interests, because I know nothing about html, and when I tried to add a site map I thought it is a WYSIWYG like posting my blogs, then when I tried the least modifications to cope with what I am asked to do, the PC surprised me with "the opening and closing tags","the incorrect format'....etc.
I was chained to the computer for hours repeatedly on a trial and error basis, beginning with copy and paste and ending with matching the format with other blogs like "Blogger Tips and Tricks" and "Hakuna Matata" after I read ' html Tags Definitions' in Blogger help. I got frustrated many times and I began thinking to quit the whole thing, because why should I write what nobody will read it.
Finally, the unexpected happened , and I added a site map to my blog!
I feel pity and passion for the same folks who are like what I was, and this dictated me to write describing precisely how any one can add the site map to his blog easily and what mistakes to avoid, besides, I may find some of them interested in what I write in my blog. Who knows?
Shall we go ?
1- Go to my blog at: 2- Click "View" and select "Source", there will be a text document, click"file" and select "save".
3- Go to 'My Account' in google (since you have a blog) and click the 'Webmaster Tools' button.
4- Under ' Add Site' , type in: http://your blog (.DO NOT TYPE IN : WWW.)
5- You will be asked to verify your site. choose "add tag", copy it in the text document to make sure it is the same before pasting it in your "edit html" page in the head segment.
6- Modify the text document by typing in your blog name and your blog ID ( you may find it in the address bar if you typed your URL in the address bar.
7- Copy and paste the modified document in the head segment in the html page of your blog.
8- Go to " Webmaster Tools" again and check verify.
9- After verification, click on " Add a Site map", and type in :
http://your blog
( Neglect any thing written under the window, this is the only format that will get your site map added, and again (DO NOT TYPE IN: WWW.)
It will be Pending for few minutes to few hours, and if you have implemented every thing right, your site map will be added. You are done. Congrats.
This is what your site map status looks like when added to your blog:
Sitemap Type Submitted LastDownloaded SitemapStatus URLs submitted rss.xml Atom Feed Web Nov 6,2006 Nov16,2006 OK 26 ( Downloading the site map by Googlebot is frequent, don' t worry about time period).
TIPS: 1- Do not look at the examples given by the 'Webmaster Tools' page.
2- If you are stuck, add another site and never delete one before your site map is added.
3- If for any reason, your site map is not added, keep matching what you do with this schedule and do not try any thing else to keep away from a bitter taste experiment.
About the Author
Waheed Elqalatawy writes simple scientific articles on health topics for any one who wants to expand his reading horizons about health. Publish articles, but please do not change them and do not forget to include my URL:
Advertising Your Work At Home Business Opportunity
by: Cheryl Mustian
The business world is changing, and we are seeing the rapid rise of people who are wanting to work at home. Some companies are looking to make their employees sub-contractors because they want to pay fewer benefits. The economy and natural disasters have affected others. As a result, more and more people are looking to start a home business of their own.
There probably never has been a greater opportunity to start a home business opportunity than now. With the internet giving access to the world, the possibilities are nearly endless. A store-front is no longer needed, unless you are dealing with a large quantity of product. And because it is in your home, thousands of dollars can be saved each year.
Every business will provide one of two different things to the potential customer. It will be either a product, or a service. But either one must have advertising in order for the customer to know about what you offer. Your work at home business opportunity will succeed or fail based on this one factor. This article will seek to provide some quick ideas about how to advertise your business by using the internet.
Google Adwords
This is probably one of your best promotional tools for every dollar that is spent. This will require some study in selecting the right keywords to use in the Google program. There is a cost per click - every time someone clicks on your ad, you pay a few cents, which is predetermined by you. Although effective, it will take a lot of watching to be able to get it right, and to keep it there.
Submit To Search Engines
Various websites will submit your website information, with your keywords, to multiple search engines. Some sites will submit your information to over 75 search engines - for free. For a rather small fee, this number can be multiplied many times. These will get the word out to the most popular engines, including Google and Yahoo. A number of search engines will take more than three weeks to list your site.
Create A Newsletter
This one will allow you to "get your list" of potential customers. Before you send out any illegal spam, however, it is important to get their approval for you to send them something. This is one way to be able to weekly email your customers - and in most cases, you can do it for free.
Write Free Articles
Write an article on your niche subject (the theme of your web page), and submit it to websites that distribute free web content. If written well, these will be picked up by other marketers and displayed on their site. Of course, you require that your name and website address must remain attached at the bottom. This is free advertising, and it is possible to be posted around the internet.
If you look around the internet, there are many other ways to get the word out about your business. Add some new ones regularly and see what gets the best results.
Copyright © Cheryl Mustian
The business world is changing, and we are seeing the rapid rise of people who are wanting to work at home. Some companies are looking to make their employees sub-contractors because they want to pay fewer benefits. The economy and natural disasters have affected others. As a result, more and more people are looking to start a home business of their own.
There probably never has been a greater opportunity to start a home business opportunity than now. With the internet giving access to the world, the possibilities are nearly endless. A store-front is no longer needed, unless you are dealing with a large quantity of product. And because it is in your home, thousands of dollars can be saved each year.
Every business will provide one of two different things to the potential customer. It will be either a product, or a service. But either one must have advertising in order for the customer to know about what you offer. Your work at home business opportunity will succeed or fail based on this one factor. This article will seek to provide some quick ideas about how to advertise your business by using the internet.
Google Adwords
This is probably one of your best promotional tools for every dollar that is spent. This will require some study in selecting the right keywords to use in the Google program. There is a cost per click - every time someone clicks on your ad, you pay a few cents, which is predetermined by you. Although effective, it will take a lot of watching to be able to get it right, and to keep it there.
Submit To Search Engines
Various websites will submit your website information, with your keywords, to multiple search engines. Some sites will submit your information to over 75 search engines - for free. For a rather small fee, this number can be multiplied many times. These will get the word out to the most popular engines, including Google and Yahoo. A number of search engines will take more than three weeks to list your site.
Create A Newsletter
This one will allow you to "get your list" of potential customers. Before you send out any illegal spam, however, it is important to get their approval for you to send them something. This is one way to be able to weekly email your customers - and in most cases, you can do it for free.
Write Free Articles
Write an article on your niche subject (the theme of your web page), and submit it to websites that distribute free web content. If written well, these will be picked up by other marketers and displayed on their site. Of course, you require that your name and website address must remain attached at the bottom. This is free advertising, and it is possible to be posted around the internet.
If you look around the internet, there are many other ways to get the word out about your business. Add some new ones regularly and see what gets the best results.
Copyright © Cheryl Mustian
Work at Home Income Opportunities
by: Chris Robertson
There are a number of reasons people want to work at home. Perhaps they're tired of the nine-to-five business routine and the time - and money - spent commuting to and from the office. Perhaps they're stay at home moms who want to supplement the family's income while still being available to the kids when they come home from school. Maybe they're retired, but are looking for some supplemental income. Whatever the reason one wants to work at home, the Internet is providing exponentially more
income opportunities than the more traditional work-at-home choices.
Traditional network marketing or multilevel marketing involves direct sales of products. That means networking with friends and acquaintances and convincing them to open their homes - and their address books - in order for you to sell your products. Because most of these gatherings occur in the evening, direct sales can work at cross-purposes for those who want to work at home in order to spend more time with their families. Plus, to generate a significant income in direct sales, you not only have to sell product but you also have to sell the opportunity. In other words, you have to sign up others to become direct sellers.
The new economy - that is, the Internet economy - gives those who want to work at home income opportunities that allow them to spend as much or as little time on their computers as they wish and still generate revenue. Through Internet marketing and website promotion, people can generate a significant revenue stream very quickly. This can take the form of affiliate programs, self-replicating websites, online advertising, and web marketing.
Some of those who have started up an Internet business - not to sell a product or service, but simply to generate revenue from others' businesses and Internet advertising - have found that they have created an automatic money machine. They can work at home, marketing and advertising their own websites to others, and collect commissions in the process.
For those who want to work at home in an Internet business, it's important to affiliate with reputable companies. Look for a proven track record, and be wary of those that require a significant investment in order to take advantage of the income opportunities. It's helpful to look at all of the business opportunities that are available and talk to others who have tried them. When you find those that have provided a good return on the investment of time and money, and can verify their legitimacy, your dream of being able to work at home may very well come true.
About The Author
Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at:
There are a number of reasons people want to work at home. Perhaps they're tired of the nine-to-five business routine and the time - and money - spent commuting to and from the office. Perhaps they're stay at home moms who want to supplement the family's income while still being available to the kids when they come home from school. Maybe they're retired, but are looking for some supplemental income. Whatever the reason one wants to work at home, the Internet is providing exponentially more
income opportunities than the more traditional work-at-home choices.
Traditional network marketing or multilevel marketing involves direct sales of products. That means networking with friends and acquaintances and convincing them to open their homes - and their address books - in order for you to sell your products. Because most of these gatherings occur in the evening, direct sales can work at cross-purposes for those who want to work at home in order to spend more time with their families. Plus, to generate a significant income in direct sales, you not only have to sell product but you also have to sell the opportunity. In other words, you have to sign up others to become direct sellers.
The new economy - that is, the Internet economy - gives those who want to work at home income opportunities that allow them to spend as much or as little time on their computers as they wish and still generate revenue. Through Internet marketing and website promotion, people can generate a significant revenue stream very quickly. This can take the form of affiliate programs, self-replicating websites, online advertising, and web marketing.
Some of those who have started up an Internet business - not to sell a product or service, but simply to generate revenue from others' businesses and Internet advertising - have found that they have created an automatic money machine. They can work at home, marketing and advertising their own websites to others, and collect commissions in the process.
For those who want to work at home in an Internet business, it's important to affiliate with reputable companies. Look for a proven track record, and be wary of those that require a significant investment in order to take advantage of the income opportunities. It's helpful to look at all of the business opportunities that are available and talk to others who have tried them. When you find those that have provided a good return on the investment of time and money, and can verify their legitimacy, your dream of being able to work at home may very well come true.
About The Author
Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at:
How To Balance Your Home And Business When You Work At Home
by: Kryssa Lighthall
Many people desire the ability to work at home. They imagine themselves rolling out of bed, commuting 20 feet without any traffic, except for the occasional pet sleeping in the hallway and starting work in their home office as they sip on their favorite latte. Without the daily office politics, commute, and water cooler gossip they feel they’ll be more focused and, ultimately, more efficient. However, with this freedom come some unforeseen drawbacks that can affect your stress level. You may find it difficult to keep yourself organized and motivated without the pressures of a boss or management team.
When you work from home and not required to clock in and out at a specific time, you are responsible for your own time management. To keep yourself and your home office organized so you are more productive and have less stress, try the following tips:
1. Keep a separate and specific work area in your home. This can be as simple as setting up a large desk and a small filing cabinet in a quiet room. Make sure you have plenty of lighting. Keep it clean and organized so you can find the materials and supplies you need to do your work.
2. Learn how you are more productive. Identify what type of work environment helps you work at your best. Are you more productive when you’re working at your desk or sitting on the couch? Your home office is your domain. Add personal items and things that help give you a positive attitude to help make you more productive.
3. Schedule specific task. Plan your work schedule by identifying your most productive time and when you have the most energy. If you a morning person and think more clearly in the mornings then do your most difficult and important task during this time. If you have children you may want to begin work after you get them off to school, before they wake up or even during their nap.
4. Set your business hours and adhere to the schedule. Just because you work at home doesn’t mean you can take a break whenever you want because there’s no boss to tell you to get back to work. You must be managing your time by setting your business hours and following them, after all you are your own boss. Also, many people or clients may assume since you work from home you are available 24/7. Avoid interruptions by setting specific office hours when other people can contact you regarding business. Communicate this - put your business hours on your business cards, website, e-mails and voice-mail recording.
5. Plan, negotiate and prioritize. No matter how hard you try, your business and personal lives will collide. Don’t stress out when personal interruptions affect your business life. Learn to detach from your work mode, to focus and address the interruption and resolve it so that you can move forward. Then switch back to work mode and get back to your regular work schedule. Eventually, you will learn to weave in and out between business mode and personal mode throughout the day so their can be a productive balance between work and life when you work at home.
About The Author
Kryssa Lighthall is the founder of
Many people desire the ability to work at home. They imagine themselves rolling out of bed, commuting 20 feet without any traffic, except for the occasional pet sleeping in the hallway and starting work in their home office as they sip on their favorite latte. Without the daily office politics, commute, and water cooler gossip they feel they’ll be more focused and, ultimately, more efficient. However, with this freedom come some unforeseen drawbacks that can affect your stress level. You may find it difficult to keep yourself organized and motivated without the pressures of a boss or management team.
When you work from home and not required to clock in and out at a specific time, you are responsible for your own time management. To keep yourself and your home office organized so you are more productive and have less stress, try the following tips:
1. Keep a separate and specific work area in your home. This can be as simple as setting up a large desk and a small filing cabinet in a quiet room. Make sure you have plenty of lighting. Keep it clean and organized so you can find the materials and supplies you need to do your work.
2. Learn how you are more productive. Identify what type of work environment helps you work at your best. Are you more productive when you’re working at your desk or sitting on the couch? Your home office is your domain. Add personal items and things that help give you a positive attitude to help make you more productive.
3. Schedule specific task. Plan your work schedule by identifying your most productive time and when you have the most energy. If you a morning person and think more clearly in the mornings then do your most difficult and important task during this time. If you have children you may want to begin work after you get them off to school, before they wake up or even during their nap.
4. Set your business hours and adhere to the schedule. Just because you work at home doesn’t mean you can take a break whenever you want because there’s no boss to tell you to get back to work. You must be managing your time by setting your business hours and following them, after all you are your own boss. Also, many people or clients may assume since you work from home you are available 24/7. Avoid interruptions by setting specific office hours when other people can contact you regarding business. Communicate this - put your business hours on your business cards, website, e-mails and voice-mail recording.
5. Plan, negotiate and prioritize. No matter how hard you try, your business and personal lives will collide. Don’t stress out when personal interruptions affect your business life. Learn to detach from your work mode, to focus and address the interruption and resolve it so that you can move forward. Then switch back to work mode and get back to your regular work schedule. Eventually, you will learn to weave in and out between business mode and personal mode throughout the day so their can be a productive balance between work and life when you work at home.
About The Author
Kryssa Lighthall is the founder of
The Biggest Distractions Of Working From Home And How To Avoid Them
by: Angie Hewerdine
Do you ever have days when the little things in life seem to be fighting to keep you from getting any work done? Here are some suggestions to help you alleviate some of the most common distractions people face when working from home.
If you have young children underfoot throughout the day, it is easy to be drawn away from work. Try to get things done during nap times and after the children have gone to bed. You can hire a teen aged mothers helper to come in for a few hours each day, or go all out and hire a Nanny. Even 10 hours a week of quiet, uninterrupted time will help you drive your home business forward.
Repeatedly checking your emails can be another major distraction. Replying, deleting, and managing emails is a drain on your time and produces no real results. I recommend checking your emails no more than 3 times a day, and deleting unwanted emails only once a day, in the evening. You will be surprised how much time this will free up for you to do more important tasks.
Surfing the net can be a serious time waster. If you are looking for specific information, find what you need quickly and then get out . Sign yourself off of messenger services, and by all means stay away from chat rooms, forums and blogs until you have completed your work for the day.
Use a voice mail service to take your phone calls if you don't wish to talk on the phone. Make sure to turn the ringer off so you won't be distracted. Set aside a specific block of time each day to call contacts and leads and follow up. Stick to your plan.
Running errands can be done at specific times during the week, such as on Wednesday between 1 and 3. Going out for just one errand 2 to 4 times a week is a waste of energy, time and gas. Get it all done in one afternoon and don't worry about it for the rest of the week.
Housework is not everyone's favorite activity. If you avoid it, you'll get overwhelmed. If you are spending too much time on it, you have little time for your business and family. It helps if you delegate some of the responsibility to other family members. Break up the chores by doing 15 minutes worth of cleaning several times a day. This has the added benefit of getting you up out of your desk chair and moving. If finances allow, you can hire a cleaning service to assist you with the chores that you really dislike doing.
Putting these suggestions into practice will keep the distractions to a minimum and ensure your home business will run more smoothly.
About The Author
Angie Hewerdine is a successful home business owner with a driving passion for helping others change their lives. She has assisted many in realizing and attaining their personal and financial objectives. Learn more at or call 1-800-491-4758.
Do you ever have days when the little things in life seem to be fighting to keep you from getting any work done? Here are some suggestions to help you alleviate some of the most common distractions people face when working from home.
If you have young children underfoot throughout the day, it is easy to be drawn away from work. Try to get things done during nap times and after the children have gone to bed. You can hire a teen aged mothers helper to come in for a few hours each day, or go all out and hire a Nanny. Even 10 hours a week of quiet, uninterrupted time will help you drive your home business forward.
Repeatedly checking your emails can be another major distraction. Replying, deleting, and managing emails is a drain on your time and produces no real results. I recommend checking your emails no more than 3 times a day, and deleting unwanted emails only once a day, in the evening. You will be surprised how much time this will free up for you to do more important tasks.
Surfing the net can be a serious time waster. If you are looking for specific information, find what you need quickly and then get out . Sign yourself off of messenger services, and by all means stay away from chat rooms, forums and blogs until you have completed your work for the day.
Use a voice mail service to take your phone calls if you don't wish to talk on the phone. Make sure to turn the ringer off so you won't be distracted. Set aside a specific block of time each day to call contacts and leads and follow up. Stick to your plan.
Running errands can be done at specific times during the week, such as on Wednesday between 1 and 3. Going out for just one errand 2 to 4 times a week is a waste of energy, time and gas. Get it all done in one afternoon and don't worry about it for the rest of the week.
Housework is not everyone's favorite activity. If you avoid it, you'll get overwhelmed. If you are spending too much time on it, you have little time for your business and family. It helps if you delegate some of the responsibility to other family members. Break up the chores by doing 15 minutes worth of cleaning several times a day. This has the added benefit of getting you up out of your desk chair and moving. If finances allow, you can hire a cleaning service to assist you with the chores that you really dislike doing.
Putting these suggestions into practice will keep the distractions to a minimum and ensure your home business will run more smoothly.
About The Author
Angie Hewerdine is a successful home business owner with a driving passion for helping others change their lives. She has assisted many in realizing and attaining their personal and financial objectives. Learn more at or call 1-800-491-4758.
What You need to read NOW
Why Every Freelancer Needs a Weblog
by Nick Usborne
If you are looking for the best way to deliver a strong sales message to a particular group of companies, blogging should not be your first choice. For something like that, use the phone or a direct mail piece.
However, blogging does offer its own, unique set of strengths.
Here are just a few good reasons why every freelancer should have his or her own weblog....
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How To Set Up A Blog
By Sean Felker
A blog is an online diary or as some people call them a weblog. They can be about any topic you would like to comment on.
Setting up a blog can seem to be a very difficult task for the non techie type out there. They(the techie types) talk about MYSQL, PHP and you need a reader to read a blog in. Then they say u gotta ping the blog.
Is that a new mixed drink or something ?
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11 FREE Ways How To Explode Your Website Traffic Hit Counter
Every website needs traffic because without traffic it's impossible to sell anything. Here are 11 simple ways how you can get your website hit counter explode.
1) Start an affiliate program. It's the #1 way how to get high quality traffic to your website. Almost every successful online business has an affiliate program.
2) Build an opt in list. This is the most important factor of any internet business. With an opt in list you can get massive high-quality traffic to any website instantly. Every successful internet marketer has an opt in list. Learn how to build a massive opt in list by sending a blank email to
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Should My Home Business Have a Blog?
by: Martin Neumannn
It's fair to say that blogging has taken the Internet by storm over recent years. And it's no surprise that today there are hundreds of thousands of new blogs being launched every day.
But as a home-based business owner, should I have a blog?
To put it bluntly, if you conduct any part of your business over the internet, then Yes, you should have a blog.
So what is a blog?
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How Autoresponders Boost Sales by up to 400%
by: John Lynch
Imagine going to bed and waking up in the morning to find that you made sales while you slept - all because of your autoresponder!
What exactly is an autoresponder? An autoresponder is an automated email program that responds to an incoming email with a message written by you. The message can be written once and loaded in the autoresponder and forgotten about. It's as easy as that.
Some Uses for Autoresponders
1. Use autoresponders as an immediate acknowledgement to those who send you information. Let the recipient know that you have received their message and when to expect a reply.
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Using Free Content to Keep Visitors Interested!
by: Anthony Jewell
If you don't want people to loose interest in your website quickly then you will have to spend some time focusing on your content. Unless you offer a service(such as web design or webhosting ect...) your audience will demand that there be new content updated every day for them or they will stop returning to your website. The truth is that to offer your visitors an abundance of great material is actually very easy and best yet it is free. Your site will double in value and usability when you start updating your content each day. Trust me when I say "your visitors will thank you for it".
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Why Advertising On Blogs Is A Good Idea..
by: Michelle Utter
Move over ezine advertising..and make room for the new tool in town - Blog Advertising! Haven't heard of blogs? Then you need to get yourself in gear and inform yourself on the next big craze. Blog advertising is a very cheap and very effective way to reach your target audiences. Read my article today to find out why and more...
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Seven Best Practices for Business Blogging
by: Karoline White
Blogs have become one of the hottest communication tools on the Web. Offering the opportunity for anyone to create their own free Web site, encouraging opinions and interaction, blogs provide forums for individuals to create their own highly personal presentations to the Web audience. They also provide for consortia of all types to experience the sort of online community feeling that was pioneered by early newsgroups and by the phenomenal success of AOL in the 1990s.
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15 Tips To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
by: David Riewe
There are many factors that make blogs much better than normal WebPages including the speed at which blogs are indexed, ability to submit to blog directories & normal directories, pings and track backs. All these little things can help drive more traffic to blogs. Here are 15 popular techniques you can use:
1.) Create at least four keyword posts per day. Most of the top blogs such as Boing Boing, Daily Kos, and Instapundit (with literally tens of thousands of visitors per day) publish an average of 30 small 100-150 word posts per day according to "Secrets of the A-list Bloggers: Lots of Short Posts" by
2.) Submit to My Yahoo! When you submit your own RSS to My Yahoo it is indexed by Yahoo.
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Great Response by Auto Responder
by: Hans Peter Oswald
1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who requests information from your autoresponder.
2. Publish a price list of all the products and services that you offer. You could also include order forms, product descriptions, and other sales material.
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How I Use Email Automatic Responders
by: Jeff Schuman
An email automatic responder or autoresponder is the second most important marketing tool I have to make money online. The first would be my hosting company. Without these 2 tools my internet marketing business is dead in the water.
In the world of internet marketing, millions of sites are fiercely competing with each other to gain new clients. For any ecommerce site to succeed, it must capture the interest and the trust of its visitors. It is not enough that your site is perfectly designed or has the latest in animation of content.
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Increasing Your Search Engine Ranking
by: Brian Collins
The methods employed to increase your search engine rankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you have probably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tell you - the time has come to face your website! A high search engine ranking for your website is so essential that if you have the slightest desire to actually succeed in your business, there is no way you can continue to avoid this issue.
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by Nick Usborne
If you are looking for the best way to deliver a strong sales message to a particular group of companies, blogging should not be your first choice. For something like that, use the phone or a direct mail piece.
However, blogging does offer its own, unique set of strengths.
Here are just a few good reasons why every freelancer should have his or her own weblog....
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How To Set Up A Blog
By Sean Felker
A blog is an online diary or as some people call them a weblog. They can be about any topic you would like to comment on.
Setting up a blog can seem to be a very difficult task for the non techie type out there. They(the techie types) talk about MYSQL, PHP and you need a reader to read a blog in. Then they say u gotta ping the blog.
Is that a new mixed drink or something ?
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11 FREE Ways How To Explode Your Website Traffic Hit Counter
Every website needs traffic because without traffic it's impossible to sell anything. Here are 11 simple ways how you can get your website hit counter explode.
1) Start an affiliate program. It's the #1 way how to get high quality traffic to your website. Almost every successful online business has an affiliate program.
2) Build an opt in list. This is the most important factor of any internet business. With an opt in list you can get massive high-quality traffic to any website instantly. Every successful internet marketer has an opt in list. Learn how to build a massive opt in list by sending a blank email to
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Should My Home Business Have a Blog?
by: Martin Neumannn
It's fair to say that blogging has taken the Internet by storm over recent years. And it's no surprise that today there are hundreds of thousands of new blogs being launched every day.
But as a home-based business owner, should I have a blog?
To put it bluntly, if you conduct any part of your business over the internet, then Yes, you should have a blog.
So what is a blog?
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How Autoresponders Boost Sales by up to 400%
by: John Lynch
Imagine going to bed and waking up in the morning to find that you made sales while you slept - all because of your autoresponder!
What exactly is an autoresponder? An autoresponder is an automated email program that responds to an incoming email with a message written by you. The message can be written once and loaded in the autoresponder and forgotten about. It's as easy as that.
Some Uses for Autoresponders
1. Use autoresponders as an immediate acknowledgement to those who send you information. Let the recipient know that you have received their message and when to expect a reply.
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Using Free Content to Keep Visitors Interested!
by: Anthony Jewell
If you don't want people to loose interest in your website quickly then you will have to spend some time focusing on your content. Unless you offer a service(such as web design or webhosting ect...) your audience will demand that there be new content updated every day for them or they will stop returning to your website. The truth is that to offer your visitors an abundance of great material is actually very easy and best yet it is free. Your site will double in value and usability when you start updating your content each day. Trust me when I say "your visitors will thank you for it".
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Why Advertising On Blogs Is A Good Idea..
by: Michelle Utter
Move over ezine advertising..and make room for the new tool in town - Blog Advertising! Haven't heard of blogs? Then you need to get yourself in gear and inform yourself on the next big craze. Blog advertising is a very cheap and very effective way to reach your target audiences. Read my article today to find out why and more...
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Seven Best Practices for Business Blogging
by: Karoline White
Blogs have become one of the hottest communication tools on the Web. Offering the opportunity for anyone to create their own free Web site, encouraging opinions and interaction, blogs provide forums for individuals to create their own highly personal presentations to the Web audience. They also provide for consortia of all types to experience the sort of online community feeling that was pioneered by early newsgroups and by the phenomenal success of AOL in the 1990s.
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15 Tips To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
by: David Riewe
There are many factors that make blogs much better than normal WebPages including the speed at which blogs are indexed, ability to submit to blog directories & normal directories, pings and track backs. All these little things can help drive more traffic to blogs. Here are 15 popular techniques you can use:
1.) Create at least four keyword posts per day. Most of the top blogs such as Boing Boing, Daily Kos, and Instapundit (with literally tens of thousands of visitors per day) publish an average of 30 small 100-150 word posts per day according to "Secrets of the A-list Bloggers: Lots of Short Posts" by
2.) Submit to My Yahoo! When you submit your own RSS to My Yahoo it is indexed by Yahoo.
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Great Response by Auto Responder
by: Hans Peter Oswald
1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who requests information from your autoresponder.
2. Publish a price list of all the products and services that you offer. You could also include order forms, product descriptions, and other sales material.
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How I Use Email Automatic Responders
by: Jeff Schuman
An email automatic responder or autoresponder is the second most important marketing tool I have to make money online. The first would be my hosting company. Without these 2 tools my internet marketing business is dead in the water.
In the world of internet marketing, millions of sites are fiercely competing with each other to gain new clients. For any ecommerce site to succeed, it must capture the interest and the trust of its visitors. It is not enough that your site is perfectly designed or has the latest in animation of content.
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Increasing Your Search Engine Ranking
by: Brian Collins
The methods employed to increase your search engine rankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you have probably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tell you - the time has come to face your website! A high search engine ranking for your website is so essential that if you have the slightest desire to actually succeed in your business, there is no way you can continue to avoid this issue.
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Why Every Freelancer Needs a Weblog
Posted by Nick Usborne
If you are looking for the best way to deliver a strong sales message to a particular group of companies, blogging should not be your first choice. For something like that, use the phone or a direct mail piece.
Get Chitika eMiniMalls
However, blogging does offer its own, unique set of strengths.
Here are just a few good reasons why every freelancer should have his or her own weblog....
1. A blog is a great place to showcase your area of expertise.
If your freelance niche is the writing of white papers for big companies, for instance, us your blog to show that you are an opinion leader. Use each blog entry to show that people come to YOU for opinions on this subject.
When a potential customer finds your blog, they won't find a strong sales message, but they will find a good reason to visit your main sales site and consider you for their next project.
2. A good blog generates incredible word-of-mouth.
It's the nature of the medium. If you send out a promotional postcard, one person sees it and then it hits the trash can.
When you build a reputation for being a leader in your area with your blog entries, then hundreds or even thousands of people will link to your blog, refer to it in their own communications and talk about it with their friends and colleagues.
3. Blogging brings you to the attention of the major search engines.
It is said that Google and the other major search engines love weblogs. That's almost true. What they love are sites that are frequently added to and updated. And that's why they love blogs, because they are being added to weekly or even daily.
4. Blogs drive traffic to your sales site.
If you have a web site that promotes your services, then you'll want to have prospective customers hear about the site, visit it and then contact you.
Blogs are a great way to get more traffic to your site.
This happens in two ways.
First, if your site is rich in articles and other useful resources, you can link to these pages from your blog, as and when relevant. People who respect you because of your blog will then click through to your site and read the articles.
Second, Google and other search engines will find the links in your blog quite quickly and then they will follow the link to your sales site. Google likes quality, relevant links and will reward your site with higher listings for certain pages.
Concluding thought...Blogs are not a quick fix.
As I mentioned before, if you need a quick, targeted promotional hit, choose another medium.
But if you want a presence online where you can showcase your expertise, build a reputation, reach thousands of potential customers, build traffic to your sales site and improve your search engine listings, weblogs are a wonderful tool.
About the Author
Nick Usborne is a copywriter, author and speaker. You can access all his newsletter articles on writing for the web at his site. You'll find more articles and resources on how to make money as a freelance writer at
How To Set Up A Blog
By Sean Felker
A blog is an online diary or as some people call them a weblog. They can be about any topic you would like to comment on.
Setting up a blog can seem to be a very difficult task for the non techie type out there. They(the techie types) talk about MYSQL, PHP and you need a reader to read a blog in. Then they say u gotta ping the blog.
Is that a new mixed drink or something ?
We talk to our children and they look at us as if we come from another planet.
All I want to do is blog.
My Dad being basically computer illiterate a short time ago. HMM I still think he is but I wont say it to often in this house.
I wrote these instructions for him and he had had no major problems setting up a blog.
The easiest way to start a blog in my opinion and you may wish to differ ;-) are detaled in the following steps:
You will need a reader to read the blog you make or someone elses that you subscribe to.
The 1st step is an easy way to get a reader that allows rss feeds to be pulled to your My page.
1. Go to and create a my yahoo page. If you have one already go to step 2.
2. Find a free blogging service. I reccomend They have simple and easy to follow instructions, even Dad could follow them ). Now follow the
instructions on the start page. Take your time and make sure you read the instructions. Do Not speed read them like Dad usually will do .
WOW Great job!!! Pat your self on the back.
Congratulations you have now created a blog.
3. Now open up the create new post in your new blog and write new post. Now publish it.
Now your a blogger
4. Now go back to and sign in to your "MY" account.
5. Now go to add content to your front page, upper left corner of your start page.Now click on RSS Headlines.
Now copy this and paste this url in The Add New Sources box on this page.
6. Now check Sources to add. This will ad the feed to your MY page.
7. Now repeat steps 4 and 5 with your blog URL.
Happy Blogging
About the Author
Sean Felker is the publisher of the very successful and popular Work at Home and Making Money on the Internet blog:
A blog is an online diary or as some people call them a weblog. They can be about any topic you would like to comment on.
Setting up a blog can seem to be a very difficult task for the non techie type out there. They(the techie types) talk about MYSQL, PHP and you need a reader to read a blog in. Then they say u gotta ping the blog.
Is that a new mixed drink or something ?
We talk to our children and they look at us as if we come from another planet.
All I want to do is blog.
My Dad being basically computer illiterate a short time ago. HMM I still think he is but I wont say it to often in this house.
I wrote these instructions for him and he had had no major problems setting up a blog.
The easiest way to start a blog in my opinion and you may wish to differ ;-) are detaled in the following steps:
You will need a reader to read the blog you make or someone elses that you subscribe to.
The 1st step is an easy way to get a reader that allows rss feeds to be pulled to your My page.
1. Go to and create a my yahoo page. If you have one already go to step 2.
2. Find a free blogging service. I reccomend They have simple and easy to follow instructions, even Dad could follow them ). Now follow the
instructions on the start page. Take your time and make sure you read the instructions. Do Not speed read them like Dad usually will do .
WOW Great job!!! Pat your self on the back.
Congratulations you have now created a blog.
3. Now open up the create new post in your new blog and write new post. Now publish it.
Now your a blogger
4. Now go back to and sign in to your "MY" account.
5. Now go to add content to your front page, upper left corner of your start page.Now click on RSS Headlines.
Now copy this and paste this url in The Add New Sources box on this page.
6. Now check Sources to add. This will ad the feed to your MY page.
7. Now repeat steps 4 and 5 with your blog URL.
Happy Blogging
About the Author
Sean Felker is the publisher of the very successful and popular Work at Home and Making Money on the Internet blog:
11 FREE Ways How To Explode Your Website Traffic Hit Counter
Every website needs traffic because without traffic it's impossible to sell anything. Here are 11 simple ways how you can get your website hit counter explode.
1) Start an affiliate program. It's the #1 way how to get high quality traffic to your website. Almost every successful online business has an affiliate program.
2) Build an opt in list. This is the most important factor of any internet business. With an opt in list you can get massive high-quality traffic to any website instantly. Every successful internet marketer has an opt in list. Learn how to build a massive opt in list by sending a blank email to
3) Use a tool such as Traffic Equalizer. This tool instantly creates thousands of search engine friendly pages for your website. Each page is targeted for one keyphrase and gets traffic from search engines. Get the tool at
4) Write articles and submit them to article directories and ezine publishers. Collect a list of ezine publishers and submit your articles to them. Also submit your articles to article directories.
5) Exchange links with other websites. Exchanging links with hundreds of other websites can bring heavy traffic to your website. You can exchange links very fast using ARELIS link exchange tool at
6) Create a brandable viral ebook that promotes your website. Give this ebook to marketers with large opt in lists. Let them customize it with their affiliate links that point to your website and give it away to their subscribers for free. This will bring steady, non stop traffic to your website.
7) Submit your website to directories and other websites that accept submissions. You can find such websites by visiting search engine such as Google, and searching for "add url" "your keywords", "add site" "your keywords", "your keywords" "directory". There are hundreds of other variations you can search for.
8) Post at forums. Participate in forum discussions and leave a link to your website in your signature line. Make the title of the link catchy by stating a benefit to get more people click on it.
9) Go to and learn about website traffic and opt in list building methods that work today. Visit the website and use your first name and email to subscribe to the course that it offers.
10) Make your website viral. In your website offer content that literally forces your visitors to tell their friends about your website. Add "tell-a-friend" functionality to your website. An excellent example of viral website is This website gets tons of viral traffic.
11) Write testimonials. Write testimonials for products that you like and that you have used. If you're lucky, your testimonial can be on the product sales page that has hundreds of visitors every day. That would mean your website link in testimonial clicked many times.
Use these methods and watch your website traffic stats literally explode.
About The Author
Learn more effective traffic generation and opt in list building techniques from or send a blank email to
Every website needs traffic because without traffic it's impossible to sell anything. Here are 11 simple ways how you can get your website hit counter explode.
1) Start an affiliate program. It's the #1 way how to get high quality traffic to your website. Almost every successful online business has an affiliate program.
2) Build an opt in list. This is the most important factor of any internet business. With an opt in list you can get massive high-quality traffic to any website instantly. Every successful internet marketer has an opt in list. Learn how to build a massive opt in list by sending a blank email to
3) Use a tool such as Traffic Equalizer. This tool instantly creates thousands of search engine friendly pages for your website. Each page is targeted for one keyphrase and gets traffic from search engines. Get the tool at
4) Write articles and submit them to article directories and ezine publishers. Collect a list of ezine publishers and submit your articles to them. Also submit your articles to article directories.
5) Exchange links with other websites. Exchanging links with hundreds of other websites can bring heavy traffic to your website. You can exchange links very fast using ARELIS link exchange tool at
6) Create a brandable viral ebook that promotes your website. Give this ebook to marketers with large opt in lists. Let them customize it with their affiliate links that point to your website and give it away to their subscribers for free. This will bring steady, non stop traffic to your website.
7) Submit your website to directories and other websites that accept submissions. You can find such websites by visiting search engine such as Google, and searching for "add url" "your keywords", "add site" "your keywords", "your keywords" "directory". There are hundreds of other variations you can search for.
8) Post at forums. Participate in forum discussions and leave a link to your website in your signature line. Make the title of the link catchy by stating a benefit to get more people click on it.
9) Go to and learn about website traffic and opt in list building methods that work today. Visit the website and use your first name and email to subscribe to the course that it offers.
10) Make your website viral. In your website offer content that literally forces your visitors to tell their friends about your website. Add "tell-a-friend" functionality to your website. An excellent example of viral website is This website gets tons of viral traffic.
11) Write testimonials. Write testimonials for products that you like and that you have used. If you're lucky, your testimonial can be on the product sales page that has hundreds of visitors every day. That would mean your website link in testimonial clicked many times.
Use these methods and watch your website traffic stats literally explode.
About The Author
Learn more effective traffic generation and opt in list building techniques from or send a blank email to
Should My Home Business Have a Blog?
by: Martin Neumannn
It's fair to say that blogging has taken the Internet by storm over recent years. And it's no surprise that today there are hundreds of thousands of new blogs being launched every day.
But as a home-based business owner, should I have a blog?
To put it bluntly, if you conduct any part of your business over the internet, then Yes, you should have a blog.
So what is a blog?
Wikepedia describe a blog as ..... a weblog (usually shortened to blog) is a web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles (normally in reverse chronological order). Although most early weblogs were manually updated, tools to automate the maintenance of such sites made them accessible to a much larger population, and the use of some sort of browser-based software is now a typical aspect of "blogging".
You might be thinking that to set up a blog is far too advanced for me, but that is furtherest from the truth. is a Google-owned hosted blogging platform that is 100% free to use and literally takes only minutes to set up and start posting.
Secondly, you might be thinking it's going to cost too much. Wrong! The only cost is your normal web hosting. You don't even have to purchase a new domain for your blog. It can be easily attached as a sub-domain to your current business website eg: or as a directory:
So why should your home-based business have a blog? Will it benefit me?
The truth is, a blog is just one part of your marketing strategy, although it can quite easily end up being the most valuable and cost-effective way of marketing your business to new and existing clients.
Come to see your blog as a means of getting closer to your intended market.
With a blog, you are giving your home business a personality. You are chatting informally with your market and building that much sought after long-term relationship and trust.
With credibility and trust being what separates successful home business to those that fail, a well-delivered blog can help build a strong rapport with your customers, via you offering insights into your business and your industry. In a low-pressure setting (ie: there should be no hard selling at all), you are networking with your customers in a way that humanizes your business.
So how can a blog work for my home business?
Let's take an example. Your business (which by the way, you run from home) is sells PDA add-ons.
By including a blog as an addition to your e-commerce site you could deliver news, facts, figures, views ... in fact, anything to do with your industry.
You can have your rant and raves on topics close to you. You could offer inside tips on using PDA's. You could provide links to other sites of interest that your customers would appreciate.
Your market will love you for your openness and willingness to chat informally, and in time you become perceived as an expert in your field.
But a word of warning. Don't start up a blog just to push sales, offering little but mere "buy from me now" posts. This is a sure-fire way of actually losing credibility.
If you view a blog as a way of communicating better with your customers (ie: talking 'with them' rather than 'to them') then you are well on your way to blogging success and more importantly ... business success.
About The Author
Martin Neumann is publisher of ... for the internet-savvy home business entrepreneur, HomeOfficeVoice offers news, reviews and commentary in the world of online home business.
It's fair to say that blogging has taken the Internet by storm over recent years. And it's no surprise that today there are hundreds of thousands of new blogs being launched every day.
But as a home-based business owner, should I have a blog?
To put it bluntly, if you conduct any part of your business over the internet, then Yes, you should have a blog.
So what is a blog?
Wikepedia describe a blog as ..... a weblog (usually shortened to blog) is a web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles (normally in reverse chronological order). Although most early weblogs were manually updated, tools to automate the maintenance of such sites made them accessible to a much larger population, and the use of some sort of browser-based software is now a typical aspect of "blogging".
You might be thinking that to set up a blog is far too advanced for me, but that is furtherest from the truth. is a Google-owned hosted blogging platform that is 100% free to use and literally takes only minutes to set up and start posting.
Secondly, you might be thinking it's going to cost too much. Wrong! The only cost is your normal web hosting. You don't even have to purchase a new domain for your blog. It can be easily attached as a sub-domain to your current business website eg: or as a directory:
So why should your home-based business have a blog? Will it benefit me?
The truth is, a blog is just one part of your marketing strategy, although it can quite easily end up being the most valuable and cost-effective way of marketing your business to new and existing clients.
Come to see your blog as a means of getting closer to your intended market.
With a blog, you are giving your home business a personality. You are chatting informally with your market and building that much sought after long-term relationship and trust.
With credibility and trust being what separates successful home business to those that fail, a well-delivered blog can help build a strong rapport with your customers, via you offering insights into your business and your industry. In a low-pressure setting (ie: there should be no hard selling at all), you are networking with your customers in a way that humanizes your business.
So how can a blog work for my home business?
Let's take an example. Your business (which by the way, you run from home) is sells PDA add-ons.
By including a blog as an addition to your e-commerce site you could deliver news, facts, figures, views ... in fact, anything to do with your industry.
You can have your rant and raves on topics close to you. You could offer inside tips on using PDA's. You could provide links to other sites of interest that your customers would appreciate.
Your market will love you for your openness and willingness to chat informally, and in time you become perceived as an expert in your field.
But a word of warning. Don't start up a blog just to push sales, offering little but mere "buy from me now" posts. This is a sure-fire way of actually losing credibility.
If you view a blog as a way of communicating better with your customers (ie: talking 'with them' rather than 'to them') then you are well on your way to blogging success and more importantly ... business success.
About The Author
Martin Neumann is publisher of ... for the internet-savvy home business entrepreneur, HomeOfficeVoice offers news, reviews and commentary in the world of online home business.
How Autoresponders Boost Sales by up to 400%
by: John Lynch
Imagine going to bed and waking up in the morning to find that you made sales while you slept - all because of your autoresponder!
What exactly is an autoresponder? An autoresponder is an automated email program that responds to an incoming email with a message written by you. The message can be written once and loaded in the autoresponder and forgotten about. It's as easy as that.
Some Uses for Autoresponders
1. Use autoresponders as an immediate acknowledgement to those who send you information. Let the recipient know that you have received their message and when to expect a reply.
2. Create a FAQ document to answer commonly asked questions about your product or service. Use the familiar question and answer format.
3. Collect names and email addresses by using a capture form. This allows you to build a list and as marketers keep saying, lists lead to repeat sales.
4. Make all your articles and newsletters available via autoresponder.
5. Offer free reports or e-courses to show your expertise to your customers. This is a great way to capture prospects' name and email address for future follow-up.
6. If you publish an e-book, put the different chapters or excerpts in your autoresponder.
7. Archive issues of past ezines and put some of the best ones in an autoresponder and let your prospects access them.
Before you send out information via an autoresponder you should always check the content for spam triggers that may prevent your messages being delivered. To have a free check on your emails/messages go to:
If you are not using an autoresponder already you may be losing up to 400% of potential sales. Research shows that autoresponders increase your exposure to your prospects and this increased contact with them leads to higher sales.
Remember if you're not using an autoresponder and gaining these sales, your competitors will!
(c) John Lynch
About The Author
John Lynch
To get a Free autoresponder and a Free email marketing course go to:
Imagine going to bed and waking up in the morning to find that you made sales while you slept - all because of your autoresponder!
What exactly is an autoresponder? An autoresponder is an automated email program that responds to an incoming email with a message written by you. The message can be written once and loaded in the autoresponder and forgotten about. It's as easy as that.
Some Uses for Autoresponders
1. Use autoresponders as an immediate acknowledgement to those who send you information. Let the recipient know that you have received their message and when to expect a reply.
2. Create a FAQ document to answer commonly asked questions about your product or service. Use the familiar question and answer format.
3. Collect names and email addresses by using a capture form. This allows you to build a list and as marketers keep saying, lists lead to repeat sales.
4. Make all your articles and newsletters available via autoresponder.
5. Offer free reports or e-courses to show your expertise to your customers. This is a great way to capture prospects' name and email address for future follow-up.
6. If you publish an e-book, put the different chapters or excerpts in your autoresponder.
7. Archive issues of past ezines and put some of the best ones in an autoresponder and let your prospects access them.
Before you send out information via an autoresponder you should always check the content for spam triggers that may prevent your messages being delivered. To have a free check on your emails/messages go to:
If you are not using an autoresponder already you may be losing up to 400% of potential sales. Research shows that autoresponders increase your exposure to your prospects and this increased contact with them leads to higher sales.
Remember if you're not using an autoresponder and gaining these sales, your competitors will!
(c) John Lynch
About The Author
John Lynch
To get a Free autoresponder and a Free email marketing course go to:
Using Free Content to Keep Visitors Interested!
by: Anthony Jewell
If you don't want people to loose interest in your website quickly then you will have to spend some time focusing on your content. Unless you offer a service(such as web design or webhosting ect...) your audience will demand that there be new content updated every day for them or they will stop returning to your website. The truth is that to offer your visitors an abundance of great material is actually very easy and best yet it is free. Your site will double in value and usability when you start updating your content each day. Trust me when I say "your visitors will thank you for it".
By searching online you can easily find a wide range of websites that offer free information you can include on your website. The best yet is that the topics range from A-Z, so you never have to worry about not being able to find content for your website. Another great resource that you can find out there are free ecourses as well as free ebooks. The great thing is that you can use these free ecourses/ebooks(make sure to email each site to gain permission just to be safe) as an incentive to visitors to use your website. This will not only increase your websites content base but will give a real value to your website as it will become a known source of useful information.
As you add free content to your website keep in mind who will view it and who will use it. Make sure to cover a broad range of subjects but also direct the content according to what your website is about. Try to make your content as meaningful as you can and you will have visitors coming back each day to view what is new on your website. Best yet they will start to tell their friends and their friends will tell their friends ect.... Before you know it, by adding free content sections to your site you will have more and more people visiting your website. It is simple as that. We have all done it before where we've found a useful website and emailed the link to our friend. Why did we email the link you might ask? We've emailed the link because we found the content on the website to be useful/worth while. You can have people doing the same with your website.
Just remember to watch the content you put on your site and to make sure it is of use to your visitors. Your content will truly determined if your visitors are being entertained/interested and if they will come back for more.
About The Author
Anthony Jewell has over 6 Years experience in the Web & Graphics World. You can visit my business and join in conversation at &
©Copyright 2005 : Feel free to use this article freely but please keep in the copyright
If you don't want people to loose interest in your website quickly then you will have to spend some time focusing on your content. Unless you offer a service(such as web design or webhosting ect...) your audience will demand that there be new content updated every day for them or they will stop returning to your website. The truth is that to offer your visitors an abundance of great material is actually very easy and best yet it is free. Your site will double in value and usability when you start updating your content each day. Trust me when I say "your visitors will thank you for it".
By searching online you can easily find a wide range of websites that offer free information you can include on your website. The best yet is that the topics range from A-Z, so you never have to worry about not being able to find content for your website. Another great resource that you can find out there are free ecourses as well as free ebooks. The great thing is that you can use these free ecourses/ebooks(make sure to email each site to gain permission just to be safe) as an incentive to visitors to use your website. This will not only increase your websites content base but will give a real value to your website as it will become a known source of useful information.
As you add free content to your website keep in mind who will view it and who will use it. Make sure to cover a broad range of subjects but also direct the content according to what your website is about. Try to make your content as meaningful as you can and you will have visitors coming back each day to view what is new on your website. Best yet they will start to tell their friends and their friends will tell their friends ect.... Before you know it, by adding free content sections to your site you will have more and more people visiting your website. It is simple as that. We have all done it before where we've found a useful website and emailed the link to our friend. Why did we email the link you might ask? We've emailed the link because we found the content on the website to be useful/worth while. You can have people doing the same with your website.
Just remember to watch the content you put on your site and to make sure it is of use to your visitors. Your content will truly determined if your visitors are being entertained/interested and if they will come back for more.
About The Author
Anthony Jewell has over 6 Years experience in the Web & Graphics World. You can visit my business and join in conversation at &
©Copyright 2005 : Feel free to use this article freely but please keep in the copyright
Why Advertising On Blogs Is A Good Idea..
by: Michelle Utter
Move over ezine advertising..and make room for the new tool in town - Blog Advertising! Haven't heard of blogs? Then you need to get yourself in gear and inform yourself on the next big craze. Blog advertising is a very cheap and very effective way to reach your target audiences. Read my article today to find out why and more...
If you haven't yet heard the word "BLOG" then you have some serious catching up to do because they are the hottest and most talked about item on the web this year.
Advertisers, including Paramount Pictures, The Wall Street Journal, and the Gap, are successfully reaching niche audiences for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. As a result, a handful of bloggers are earning six-figure incomes from their blogs. But what exactly is a blog, and how can you take advantage of this widely untapped advertising venue? That's my aim for this article. Let's dig a litte deeper....
A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people.
People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with the introduction of automated published systems, most notably Blogger at Thousands of people use services such as Blogger to simplify and accelerate the publishing process.
Blogs are alternatively called web logs or weblogs. However, "blog" seems less likely to cause confusion, as "web log" can also mean a server's log files.
With click-through rates in traditional online advertising dropping, inexpensive blog click-throughs are as high as 5%. Blogs provide advertisers an excellent opportunity to reach a devoted audience niche for as little as $10 a week. Why blogs are good media outlets:
Most blogs have dynamic keywords and are updated daily by either the administrator of the web log or his/her members. This means, a blogger receives more targeted SE visitors and more frequently then webmasters of static html sites.
Another advantage of advertising on blogs as opposed to Web sites is that readers tend to be extremely interested in the topic and very attached to the blogger. You can't ask for a better community of users to be in front of.
Recently, BlogAds conducted a web survey of 17,000 of their readers to find out what type of people are actually surfing blogs. The results? Sixty percent of the Blogads respondents said they are more than 30 years old, and almost 40 percent reported they have a household income of more than $90,000. Perhaps most importantly to advertisers, half of those who took the Blogads survey said that over the last six months they spent more than $50 online for books and more than $500 for plane tickets; 25 percent spent between $100-$500 on electronics via the Web.
Conclusion: Clearly, no company, organization or association can afford to ignore blogs any longer. Early adopters have taken the lead, and blogs are finally entering corporate consciousness.
If you find this article interesting and you'd like to check out some of my blogs, you can visit: (Click on the Advertise on this site link to purchase blog advertising) (blog advertising available there too)
About The Author
This article is (c) Copyright 2004 by Michelle Utter
Michelle is an innovator and a mainstay in the Internet Marketing Field. You can visit her new website at:
Move over ezine advertising..and make room for the new tool in town - Blog Advertising! Haven't heard of blogs? Then you need to get yourself in gear and inform yourself on the next big craze. Blog advertising is a very cheap and very effective way to reach your target audiences. Read my article today to find out why and more...
If you haven't yet heard the word "BLOG" then you have some serious catching up to do because they are the hottest and most talked about item on the web this year.
Advertisers, including Paramount Pictures, The Wall Street Journal, and the Gap, are successfully reaching niche audiences for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. As a result, a handful of bloggers are earning six-figure incomes from their blogs. But what exactly is a blog, and how can you take advantage of this widely untapped advertising venue? That's my aim for this article. Let's dig a litte deeper....
A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people.
People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with the introduction of automated published systems, most notably Blogger at Thousands of people use services such as Blogger to simplify and accelerate the publishing process.
Blogs are alternatively called web logs or weblogs. However, "blog" seems less likely to cause confusion, as "web log" can also mean a server's log files.
With click-through rates in traditional online advertising dropping, inexpensive blog click-throughs are as high as 5%. Blogs provide advertisers an excellent opportunity to reach a devoted audience niche for as little as $10 a week. Why blogs are good media outlets:
Most blogs have dynamic keywords and are updated daily by either the administrator of the web log or his/her members. This means, a blogger receives more targeted SE visitors and more frequently then webmasters of static html sites.
Another advantage of advertising on blogs as opposed to Web sites is that readers tend to be extremely interested in the topic and very attached to the blogger. You can't ask for a better community of users to be in front of.
Recently, BlogAds conducted a web survey of 17,000 of their readers to find out what type of people are actually surfing blogs. The results? Sixty percent of the Blogads respondents said they are more than 30 years old, and almost 40 percent reported they have a household income of more than $90,000. Perhaps most importantly to advertisers, half of those who took the Blogads survey said that over the last six months they spent more than $50 online for books and more than $500 for plane tickets; 25 percent spent between $100-$500 on electronics via the Web.
Conclusion: Clearly, no company, organization or association can afford to ignore blogs any longer. Early adopters have taken the lead, and blogs are finally entering corporate consciousness.
If you find this article interesting and you'd like to check out some of my blogs, you can visit: (Click on the Advertise on this site link to purchase blog advertising) (blog advertising available there too)
About The Author
This article is (c) Copyright 2004 by Michelle Utter
Michelle is an innovator and a mainstay in the Internet Marketing Field. You can visit her new website at:
Seven Best Practices for Business Blogging
by: Karoline White
Blogs have become one of the hottest communication tools on the Web. Offering the opportunity for anyone to create their own free Web site, encouraging opinions and interaction, blogs provide forums for individuals to create their own highly personal presentations to the Web audience. They also provide for consortia of all types to experience the sort of online community feeling that was pioneered by early newsgroups and by the phenomenal success of AOL in the 1990s.
Blogs have reached into the corporate and government sectors as well. What started out as an outlet for teenage expression and grassroots journalism has turned into a lucrative communications tool for small and large businesses alike.
Corporate Blogging refers to a company producing or supporting a blog that it uses to accomplish business objectives. As with anything, there are certain “best practices” to be followed to ensure your company reaps the maximum benefits. These seven tips guidelines will help make your blog a success.
1. Fine Print. Blogging can lead to legal issues. Companies should have real concerns about liability, exclusions and limitations, and indemnity. Although there are laws that protect against libel, misappropriations and other injuries suffered as a result of posts on the Web, companies can still be held “vicariously” responsible for statements made by employees that are harmful to others. Since there are so many legal issues surrounding blogs, it is imperative that the site has some sort of disclaimer and limitation of liability.
2. Know What You’re Doing. Senior management should be educated by the corporate communications and legal department about what blogs are and how they might affect business. That way, they can be contributing members of the blog, further improving employee relations. Their support and participation is often what makes a blog more effective.
3. Create blogging policies. In any medium where an employee is sharing information, there is the possibility of leaking trade secrets or financial information. Blogging also has a tendency to become personal. A company should have a list of policies regarding blogging to ensure that trade secrets are kept secret and personal lives do not become public. Policies may include keeping financial information from being posted, as well as severe consequences for anyone using the blog for negative publicity.
4. Avoid the Marketing Blog. Making your blog into a blatant marketing campaign is a bad idea. Customers are looking for real answers and honest opinions. They will pick up on insincerity instantly. Use the blog for what it's for, transparency. This is an opportunity to make a real connection with your customers. Don't ruin it by filling it with empty advertising.
5. Keep It Fresh. Blogs are usually judged by their amount of new content. Easy to add on to, they are designed to be updated constantly. To keep your readers coming back, make your content relevant and timely. Don't forget, content can include anything from product releases to job openings, recent news to thoughts from the CEO. It's practically impossible to run out of material.
6. Reinforce the company’s core values. Use your blog to reflect your company's inner soul: its mission, goals and direction. A blog is just another medium by which you interact with your customers and employees. It's another part of the brand experience. It should be consistent with the impression the company wants to make.
7. Encourage employees to use it. Create an atmosphere where they are comfortable asserting their opinions and concerns. You’ll be surprised how the quietest employees will speak up when given such an opportunity. With all communication, blogging can become negative, so remind employees of the public nature of the blogs and the ramifications for their actions.
About The Author
Karoline White is a Content Developer for Brook Group, a full-service Web development firm near Washington, DC. More articles by this author can be found at and
15 Tips To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
by: David Riewe
There are many factors that make blogs much better than normal WebPages including the speed at which blogs are indexed, ability to submit to blog directories & normal directories, pings and track backs. All these little things can help drive more traffic to blogs. Here are 15 popular techniques you can use:
1.) Create at least four keyword posts per day. Most of the top blogs such as Boing Boing, Daily Kos, and Instapundit (with literally tens of thousands of visitors per day) publish an average of 30 small 100-150 word posts per day according to "Secrets of the A-list Bloggers: Lots of Short Posts" by
2.) Submit to My Yahoo! When you submit your own RSS to My Yahoo it is indexed by Yahoo.
3.) Submit to Google's Reader. When you submit your own blog RSS to Google's Reader the Google Blog Search will index your site.
4.) Add a relevant link directory to your blog and trade links like a demon possessed! Although it may take more time than simply submitting to a search engine one time, this method is perhaps the best way to drive traffic to your site. Use software such as Zeus to speed up the link trading process.
5.) Use ping sites like ping-o-matic. Ping your site every time you add a new post.
6.) Submit your blog to traditional search engines such as AltaVista, and MSN.
7.) Submit your blog to traditional directories such as DMOZ. Directories (particularly DMOZ) increase relevance with Google. DMOZ is very picky, but what do you have to lose by trying?
8.) Submit to as many RSS Directories and Search Engines as possible. This is a simple but repetitive process that can be done with software such as RSS SUBMIT.
9.) Comment on other blogs. Do not just leave short, lazy comments like "I agree." Leave well thought out replies that will force readers to wonder "who wrote this?"
10.) Use track backs. If there is a blog that you refer to or quote and it is highly relevant to your subject, leave a track back. It increases your link popularity and may even score a few interested readers from the linked site.
11.) Go offline. Use newspaper ads, public bulletin boards, business cards, even stickers to let as many people as possible know your blog exists.
12.) Ad a link to your blog in your e-mail signature block.
13.) Use Groups (Usenet). Find a relevant group on Google groups, Yahoo groups, MSN groups or any of the thousands of other FREE group services and find like minded people and talk with them. Make sure your use your blog URL like it is your name.
14.) Use Forums. Forums are one of the best places to go for advice. Go to forums and find problems to solve. Make sure you leave your blog name, but be tactful about it; some forums get annoyed with those who selfishly drop a few links to their own site and leave.
15.) Tag your website. Tagging is a new idea that has erupted across the web. Sites like, Technorati and many others have a social feature that allows you to place your article under keywords or "tags" that everyone interested in that tag can see.
Although these are some of the most popular ways to drive traffic to your blog, do not limit your self to tips and lists. Use your imagination and you will come up with thousands of ways to drive traffic to your blog!
About The Author
David Riewe - Internet Marketer and Publisher - Try his FREE Ezine "The Ultimate Marketing Tips" that that will Make Your Business An Outstanding Success!
There are many factors that make blogs much better than normal WebPages including the speed at which blogs are indexed, ability to submit to blog directories & normal directories, pings and track backs. All these little things can help drive more traffic to blogs. Here are 15 popular techniques you can use:
1.) Create at least four keyword posts per day. Most of the top blogs such as Boing Boing, Daily Kos, and Instapundit (with literally tens of thousands of visitors per day) publish an average of 30 small 100-150 word posts per day according to "Secrets of the A-list Bloggers: Lots of Short Posts" by
2.) Submit to My Yahoo! When you submit your own RSS to My Yahoo it is indexed by Yahoo.
3.) Submit to Google's Reader. When you submit your own blog RSS to Google's Reader the Google Blog Search will index your site.
4.) Add a relevant link directory to your blog and trade links like a demon possessed! Although it may take more time than simply submitting to a search engine one time, this method is perhaps the best way to drive traffic to your site. Use software such as Zeus to speed up the link trading process.
5.) Use ping sites like ping-o-matic. Ping your site every time you add a new post.
6.) Submit your blog to traditional search engines such as AltaVista, and MSN.
7.) Submit your blog to traditional directories such as DMOZ. Directories (particularly DMOZ) increase relevance with Google. DMOZ is very picky, but what do you have to lose by trying?
8.) Submit to as many RSS Directories and Search Engines as possible. This is a simple but repetitive process that can be done with software such as RSS SUBMIT.
9.) Comment on other blogs. Do not just leave short, lazy comments like "I agree." Leave well thought out replies that will force readers to wonder "who wrote this?"
10.) Use track backs. If there is a blog that you refer to or quote and it is highly relevant to your subject, leave a track back. It increases your link popularity and may even score a few interested readers from the linked site.
11.) Go offline. Use newspaper ads, public bulletin boards, business cards, even stickers to let as many people as possible know your blog exists.
12.) Ad a link to your blog in your e-mail signature block.
13.) Use Groups (Usenet). Find a relevant group on Google groups, Yahoo groups, MSN groups or any of the thousands of other FREE group services and find like minded people and talk with them. Make sure your use your blog URL like it is your name.
14.) Use Forums. Forums are one of the best places to go for advice. Go to forums and find problems to solve. Make sure you leave your blog name, but be tactful about it; some forums get annoyed with those who selfishly drop a few links to their own site and leave.
15.) Tag your website. Tagging is a new idea that has erupted across the web. Sites like, Technorati and many others have a social feature that allows you to place your article under keywords or "tags" that everyone interested in that tag can see.
Although these are some of the most popular ways to drive traffic to your blog, do not limit your self to tips and lists. Use your imagination and you will come up with thousands of ways to drive traffic to your blog!
About The Author
David Riewe - Internet Marketer and Publisher - Try his FREE Ezine "The Ultimate Marketing Tips" that that will Make Your Business An Outstanding Success!
Great Response by Auto Responder
by: Hans Peter Oswald
1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who requests information from your autoresponder.
2. Publish a price list of all the products and services that you offer. You could also include order forms, product descriptions, and other sales material.
3. Publish free reports in autoresponder format. The reports should be related to your business or web site. Giving away free stuff will quickly increase your traffic. Example: You get a report about eu-domains at
4. Collect vital customer satisfaction information by publishing a survey in autoresponder format. This type of information will help you serve them better.
5. Instead of answering every customer question that's e-mailed to you, publish " Frequently Ask Questions" in autoresponder format. This will save time and money.
6. You could publish your testimonials or endorsements in autoresponder format if you don't have the room in your ad copy. It's more effective to include all of them.
7. Provide back issues of your e-zine archives in auto- responder format. This will give your subscribers and web site visitors easy access to them.
8. Publish your entire web site in autoresponder format. Sometimes visitors don't have enough time read your entire site. They could print it out and read it offline.
9. You could offer your ebook in autoresponder format. Your visitors won't have to download it or have the software to read it right away.
10. You could publish the terms and conditions to any business transactions in autoresponder format. This could include return policies, purchases, refunds etc.
11. You get free autoresponders at and Every mail comes with an ad of these companies. You can ask for a list with paid autoresponders with an e-mail to
Hans-Peter Oswald
About The Author
Hans-Peter Oswald
ICANN Registrar Secura
How I Use Email Automatic Responders
by: Jeff Schuman
An email automatic responder or autoresponder is the second most important marketing tool I have to make money online. The first would be my hosting company. Without these 2 tools my internet marketing business is dead in the water.
In the world of internet marketing, millions of sites are fiercely competing with each other to gain new clients. For any ecommerce site to succeed, it must capture the interest and the trust of its visitors. It is not enough that your site is perfectly designed or has the latest in animation of content.
You should focus your efforts not only in attracting visitors but also in leading them to make a purchase. There are dozens of marketing strategies you can use to attract more buyers and pump up your sales. One of them is by establishing an excellent and professional reputation for prompt and efficient response.
As more potential customers visit your site, you should expect a flood of inquiries and requests for information. This is an excellent opportunity for you to capture more clients and lead them to buying from your site. Thus, it is important that you carry out an efficient and prompt response to every email you receive. The fastest and most effective way to do this is by utilizing an email automatic responder.
Autoresponder services use a computer program that automatically return a prewritten message to anyone who sends an email to your site. It is widely used for responding to consumer inquiries and visitor comments and suggestions.
Follow up automatic responders are also used by e-zines in responding to people who subscribe or unsubscribe to their online magazines. Companies, who send out their e-newsletter regularly, also use utoresponders.
How can effective autoresponder services help boost your business? The answer lies in its ability to return a prompt response to any e-mail the site receives. By responding rapidly and efficiently, you create a very good impression on your potential customer. Good email autorespondrs help you get important information back to these customers immediately. An effective autoresponder service helps you communicate your message promptly, creating a sense of professionalism and efficiency that your clients will definitely appreciate.
Another very important advantage of email automatic responders is that it saves time with multiple marketing tasks. Certainly, you do not have enough time to personally make and send all correspondence. Autoresponder services allows you to send thank you letters, newsletters, product information, brochures, orders etc. to hundreds of clients almost immediately and simultaneously. Autoresponder services are also indispensable in any email marketing campaign.
Choosing the right autoresponder is very important. What makes the best automatic responder? First, you should pick an autoresponder that is reliable and can give you 24/7 service. You cannot afford to lose a customer because your autoresponder failed to answer his query or request for information. The ability to respond promptly is the first thing you must look for in any automatic responder.
Another key factor you should consider when choosing Autoresponder servcies is flexibility. Good autoresponders allow you to customize unique responses that will have maximum effect on the customer. You should avoid creating an impression that the customer is communicating with a machine instead of a real human being.
An excellent email automatic responder lets you provide the information that is specifically targeted for what the potential customers are looking for. Because any email from potential customers essentially represent the customer's intent on getting more information about your product, which can ultimately lead to direct sales, all emails are important. Thus, a top Autoresponder servcie must fulfill all these duties to help you boost your business.
For all of our autoresponder needs we prefer Aweber. They are very reasonably priced and have proved to be reliable and easy to use.
About The Author
Jeff Schuman
Team-Schuman.Com contains the best make money online and make money websites available today. If you want to make money check us out here:
An email automatic responder or autoresponder is the second most important marketing tool I have to make money online. The first would be my hosting company. Without these 2 tools my internet marketing business is dead in the water.
In the world of internet marketing, millions of sites are fiercely competing with each other to gain new clients. For any ecommerce site to succeed, it must capture the interest and the trust of its visitors. It is not enough that your site is perfectly designed or has the latest in animation of content.
You should focus your efforts not only in attracting visitors but also in leading them to make a purchase. There are dozens of marketing strategies you can use to attract more buyers and pump up your sales. One of them is by establishing an excellent and professional reputation for prompt and efficient response.
As more potential customers visit your site, you should expect a flood of inquiries and requests for information. This is an excellent opportunity for you to capture more clients and lead them to buying from your site. Thus, it is important that you carry out an efficient and prompt response to every email you receive. The fastest and most effective way to do this is by utilizing an email automatic responder.
Autoresponder services use a computer program that automatically return a prewritten message to anyone who sends an email to your site. It is widely used for responding to consumer inquiries and visitor comments and suggestions.
Follow up automatic responders are also used by e-zines in responding to people who subscribe or unsubscribe to their online magazines. Companies, who send out their e-newsletter regularly, also use utoresponders.
How can effective autoresponder services help boost your business? The answer lies in its ability to return a prompt response to any e-mail the site receives. By responding rapidly and efficiently, you create a very good impression on your potential customer. Good email autorespondrs help you get important information back to these customers immediately. An effective autoresponder service helps you communicate your message promptly, creating a sense of professionalism and efficiency that your clients will definitely appreciate.
Another very important advantage of email automatic responders is that it saves time with multiple marketing tasks. Certainly, you do not have enough time to personally make and send all correspondence. Autoresponder services allows you to send thank you letters, newsletters, product information, brochures, orders etc. to hundreds of clients almost immediately and simultaneously. Autoresponder services are also indispensable in any email marketing campaign.
Choosing the right autoresponder is very important. What makes the best automatic responder? First, you should pick an autoresponder that is reliable and can give you 24/7 service. You cannot afford to lose a customer because your autoresponder failed to answer his query or request for information. The ability to respond promptly is the first thing you must look for in any automatic responder.
Another key factor you should consider when choosing Autoresponder servcies is flexibility. Good autoresponders allow you to customize unique responses that will have maximum effect on the customer. You should avoid creating an impression that the customer is communicating with a machine instead of a real human being.
An excellent email automatic responder lets you provide the information that is specifically targeted for what the potential customers are looking for. Because any email from potential customers essentially represent the customer's intent on getting more information about your product, which can ultimately lead to direct sales, all emails are important. Thus, a top Autoresponder servcie must fulfill all these duties to help you boost your business.
For all of our autoresponder needs we prefer Aweber. They are very reasonably priced and have proved to be reliable and easy to use.
About The Author
Jeff Schuman
Team-Schuman.Com contains the best make money online and make money websites available today. If you want to make money check us out here:
Increasing Your Search Engine Ranking
by: Brian Collins
The methods employed to increase your search engine rankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you have probably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tell you - the time has come to face your website! A high search engine ranking for your website is so essential that if you have the slightest desire to actually succeed in your business, there is no way you can continue to avoid this issue.
At least 85% of people looking for goods and services on the Internet find websites through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The idea of optimizing your pages for high search engine rankings is to attract targeted customers to your site who will be more than likely to make a purchase. The higher your page comes up in search engine results, the greater the traffic that is directed to your website. That's what search engine optimization is about.
You can immerse yourself in all the technical information available online to figure out how to optimize your web pages to achieve higher rankings. Or you can look at a few simple items on your pages, make some small adjustments, and most likely see improved rankings quite rapidly. The first item you should examine is the title bar on your homepage.
The title bar is the colored bar at the top of the page. Look at the words that appear there when you access your home page. To increase search engine rankings, the words on your homepage's title bar should include the most important keywords or phrases, one of which would include your company name.
Then click on all your links and examine the title bars on the pages you access. Each title bar on every single page of your site should contain the most important keywords and phrases taken from the page itself. However, avoid very long strings of keywords, keeping them to six words or less. Avoid repeating keywords more than once in the title bars, and make sure that identical words are not next to each other.
The next item to put under your microscope is your website content. Search engines generally list sites that contain quality content rather than scintillating graphics. The text on your site must contain the most important keywords - the words that potential customers will be typing into search engines to find your site.
Aim to have around 250 words on each page, but if this is not desirable due to your design, aim for at least 100 carefully chosen words. If you want to achieve a high ranking on search engines, this text is essential. However, the search engines must be able to read the text, meaning that the text must be in HTML and not graphic format.
To find out if your text is in HTML format, take your cursor and try to highlight a word or two. If you are able to do this, the text is HTML. If the text will not highlight, it is probably in graphic form. In this case, ask your webmaster to change the text into HTML format in order to increase your search engine rankings.
Next we come to what is called meta tags. I know this sounds like something out of science fiction, but it is really just simple code. Many people believe that meta tags are the key to high search engine rankings, but in reality, they only have a limited effect. Still, it's worth adding them in the event that a search engine will use meta tags in their ranking formula.
To find out if your page is set up with meta tags, you must access the code. To do this, click the "view" button on the browser menu bar, and select "source." This will pull up a window revealing the underlying code that created the page. If there are meta tags, they usually appear near the top of the window. For example, a meta tag would read: meta name="keywords" content=. If you do not find code that reads like this, ask your webmaster to put them in. This may not do much for your search engine rankings, but any little boost helps.
Lastly, we come to the issue of link popularity. This is a factor that is extremely important in terms of search engine rankings. Almost all search engines use link popularity to rank your website. Link popularity is based on the quality of the sites you have linked to from your links page.
If you type in "free link popularity check" in a popular search engine, the search engine will then show you what sites are linked to your site. In the case that there aren't many sites linked up to yours, or that the sites that are linked up have low search engine rankings, consider launching a link popularity campaign. Essentially, this entails contacting quality sites and requesting that they exchange links with your site. Of course, this requires checking out the rankings of the websites you want to link up with. Linking to popular, quality sites not only boosts your search engine ranking, but it also directs more quality traffic to your website.
Search engine rankings are extremely important for a successful Internet marketing campaign. Before you go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some of the simple steps listed above, and see if you can't boost your rankings yourself. Don't ever ignore this all-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, the higher your search engine ranking, the more quality customers will be directed your way.
About The Author
Brian Collins
I Supply Info provides articles for publication on websites to help increase your search engine ranking
The methods employed to increase your search engine rankings may seem like rocket science to you, so you have probably avoided dealing with this issue. I am here to tell you - the time has come to face your website! A high search engine ranking for your website is so essential that if you have the slightest desire to actually succeed in your business, there is no way you can continue to avoid this issue.
At least 85% of people looking for goods and services on the Internet find websites through search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The idea of optimizing your pages for high search engine rankings is to attract targeted customers to your site who will be more than likely to make a purchase. The higher your page comes up in search engine results, the greater the traffic that is directed to your website. That's what search engine optimization is about.
You can immerse yourself in all the technical information available online to figure out how to optimize your web pages to achieve higher rankings. Or you can look at a few simple items on your pages, make some small adjustments, and most likely see improved rankings quite rapidly. The first item you should examine is the title bar on your homepage.
The title bar is the colored bar at the top of the page. Look at the words that appear there when you access your home page. To increase search engine rankings, the words on your homepage's title bar should include the most important keywords or phrases, one of which would include your company name.
Then click on all your links and examine the title bars on the pages you access. Each title bar on every single page of your site should contain the most important keywords and phrases taken from the page itself. However, avoid very long strings of keywords, keeping them to six words or less. Avoid repeating keywords more than once in the title bars, and make sure that identical words are not next to each other.
The next item to put under your microscope is your website content. Search engines generally list sites that contain quality content rather than scintillating graphics. The text on your site must contain the most important keywords - the words that potential customers will be typing into search engines to find your site.
Aim to have around 250 words on each page, but if this is not desirable due to your design, aim for at least 100 carefully chosen words. If you want to achieve a high ranking on search engines, this text is essential. However, the search engines must be able to read the text, meaning that the text must be in HTML and not graphic format.
To find out if your text is in HTML format, take your cursor and try to highlight a word or two. If you are able to do this, the text is HTML. If the text will not highlight, it is probably in graphic form. In this case, ask your webmaster to change the text into HTML format in order to increase your search engine rankings.
Next we come to what is called meta tags. I know this sounds like something out of science fiction, but it is really just simple code. Many people believe that meta tags are the key to high search engine rankings, but in reality, they only have a limited effect. Still, it's worth adding them in the event that a search engine will use meta tags in their ranking formula.
To find out if your page is set up with meta tags, you must access the code. To do this, click the "view" button on the browser menu bar, and select "source." This will pull up a window revealing the underlying code that created the page. If there are meta tags, they usually appear near the top of the window. For example, a meta tag would read: meta name="keywords" content=. If you do not find code that reads like this, ask your webmaster to put them in. This may not do much for your search engine rankings, but any little boost helps.
Lastly, we come to the issue of link popularity. This is a factor that is extremely important in terms of search engine rankings. Almost all search engines use link popularity to rank your website. Link popularity is based on the quality of the sites you have linked to from your links page.
If you type in "free link popularity check" in a popular search engine, the search engine will then show you what sites are linked to your site. In the case that there aren't many sites linked up to yours, or that the sites that are linked up have low search engine rankings, consider launching a link popularity campaign. Essentially, this entails contacting quality sites and requesting that they exchange links with your site. Of course, this requires checking out the rankings of the websites you want to link up with. Linking to popular, quality sites not only boosts your search engine ranking, but it also directs more quality traffic to your website.
Search engine rankings are extremely important for a successful Internet marketing campaign. Before you go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some of the simple steps listed above, and see if you can't boost your rankings yourself. Don't ever ignore this all-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, the higher your search engine ranking, the more quality customers will be directed your way.
About The Author
Brian Collins
I Supply Info provides articles for publication on websites to help increase your search engine ranking
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