Are You Afraid To Start a Home Base Biz?

By Eddie Watkins Watkins

Are you afraid to start a home base biz? Some skepticism and fear is healthy, but if it renders you comatose. Then this is not a good thing at all.

We as humans, are creatures of habit. We like to stick close to our comfort zones. We don't go out of our way, to take chances. We don't take chances, because we don't know what the outcome will bring. We live our lives sort of in a rut. Doing the same things over and over, day in and day out. I have heard the only difference between a rut, and a grave, is the depth.

Do you know that guy, that is always wishing to win the lottery. But never goes out and buys a ticket? Or what about the guy, that's been on the same job for 5 years. And complains everyday about not making enough money. This is the same guy that is going to quit, the very next time, the boss makes a comments about his bad job performance.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Do you go to a 9 to 5 everyday, thinking and saying to yourself. I know there's got to be a better way? If I only had a way out, I would quit this job today. I just don't know what else to do.

I think part of the problem is that, we were raised with the idea. That to have a good life we needed only to have a good job, with benefits, get a home, and raise a family.We we programmed, that working for someone else was sufficient enough, to live a good life.
That may have been true in the industrial age. But we are now in the information age.

In this day and time, it is not your bosses job to make you wealthy. His job is to get you a paycheck. If your paycheck is not enough, then it is your responsibility, . to make yourself wealthy or Financially Free.

Let's associate starting a Home Base Biz, with learning to ride a bike. When you first learned how to ride a bike. Did you just jump on the bike, and start riding it like you were a professional? No someone had to help you onto the bike, and had to hold you as you wobbled down the street. You fell off a couple of times, but your desire to ride that darn thing, out weighed all your fears. So you continued with your goal of riding that bike. One day, riding that same bike, that you thought was so terrifying, and almost impossible, became second natured. You got on the bike without even thinking about it, and just rode off into the sunset. The main thing is, you had a desire, then you acted upon it.

The only thing that beats a failure is a try.

If you have dreams and aspirations of starting a home base biz, act upon them. The hardest thing is to get started. Once you get started, my experience has been that things start falling into place.

Our fears, I believe is just holding on to our old bad habits, mixed in with our ego's.

Do you know someone that can always give you all the reasons why, a certain project won't work. But has never tried to do anything with his or her life? Don't be that person.

Don't be the person who says, I wish, I coulda, woulda shoulda, by then it will be to late.

Remember the word fear stand for: False Evidences that Are not Real.

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