by Paul Hegarty
One of the biggest mistakes I made as an affiliate was just driving traffic directly to a sales page of a vendor. Now that is not to say that this process does not work, however I did not leverage the money I spent on advertising in the first place. Let me explain that. Once gain there is no doubt that you can make money doing this, but what are the long term implications?
You send traffic that you pay for to somebody else's site where they can collect information regarding a consumers interests and then sell them other relevant products in the future.
I as an affiliate marketer may get a 2% conversion rate and make money but what if I could build a specific web page or web site and get more people to sign up for further information regarding certain products. I could now sell to them again and again in the future and as a result get far more for my advertising dollar.
Pay per click works, there is no question. However it works with a lot of effort and fine tuning. Once you send the customer to the vendor they are gone forever. Even If I was converting at 2% I was shooting myself in the foot in the long term. If you look at any of the big businesses online you will see that one of there major assets is their customer base.
Google could have created Youtube themselves but what was far more attractive was the size of YouTubes customer base. Now Google could buy this company and have even more customers to promote to.
As an affiliate you can do pay per click all day long. What you put in is what you get out at that point in time. Yet if you were to build a list of people who are interested in certain products you could over time - by building relationships with them sell many other products in the future. My conversion rate of 2% for sales may have even been higher if somebody had just to put in their e-mail address to get more information or honest reviews on a given topic.
It's all about leveraging your time. If you are new to internet or affiliate marketing the first thing I would suggest doing is this. Learn how to build a web site then a list and finally learn to use an auto responder. You can do this by visiting the affiliate page on this signature box, fill in your details and I will send you information on how to go about doing this.
About the Author
Generate additional affiliate revenue as an Audio book affiliate even if you are new to affiliate marketing you can also learn how to build a web site that can sell any product or service. Select the above link and watch a free video.