The Online Home Based Business Opportunity And Search Engine Optimization
By: Leonard Bartholomew
One of the main things a new home based business opportunity has to worry about is being seen. If the customer doesn't know your home based business opportunity exists, how can he visit your store? In the "real" world, radio, television, newspaper, and postal mailings all help businesses get attention. On the internet your customer traffic comes from a variety of sources, but one in particular will make an online business more viable and successful.
What other things can you do to reach people who may be new in the area and not have had the opportunity to view or listen to your ads? Signs. By placing signs at your storefront and in other strategic places, you call out to everyone who passes. This is done on your website with an online business. Email has also become a very popular venue.
This is how search engine optimization works for the online home based business opportunity website. You need to have the biggest, most noticeable signs to get discovered. Yes, size does matter. Just like cars flying down the highway, travelers on the Internet need something to catch their attention. The words you use and how you use them to describe what your site offers is the way to bring in consumers.
This is where search engine optimization done properly will help you out. If you can figure out the best set of keywords to portray the home based business opportunity you are portraying, and if you can use those words in the content of your website, then you increase your chances of directing that speeding traffic to your website instead of directing them down the road to your competitor. If the customers don't come to you, they will go to your competition. Not a good thing.
Visit each of your competitor's websites and find out what they are doing with their online business. A little research and you might find something that is working that you had not thought of yet. Look at those who are at the top of the search engines. What is it about their web page design, content, and partners that you like. Can you borrow any of their ideas and improve the look and feel of your web pages? Are their link partners the partners you have been looking for?
Getting your online home based business opportunity to show up well on a search engine's results won't cost you a penny if you pursue search engine tactics properly. Onsite SEO is a matter of learning a little HTML. Article submission to free article directories is, well FREE! Blogging is also free if using Google's Blogger. But it can cause you to lose everything if your site doesn't appear. Most of us look for that one tool, or get one in our email, that looks like the holy grail of internet marketing tools. We open our wallets and purses freely only to find out that it is just more work. The amount of profits you get from your business will be directly related to how well you can use a consistant marketing strategy using no cost or low cost tools. If the customers can't find you, the profits will never arrive and there are times when the tools, if from a reputable source, are necessary.
Internet surfers are a fickle breed. They know what they want and seek out only that item or service. They will search, find, and buy. It doesn't matter to them where they get what they seek, but it could make all the difference to you. So when you consider why effective search engine optimization is important to the online home based business opportunity you are offering to the public, just think of the internet as a large highway with travelers speeding by.
Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Find all of the elements of an extraordinarily simple online home based business opportunity that you can prosper with.